Paul Simon
Some Folks Lives Roll Easy

Words & music by paul simon

Some folks' lives roll easy as a breeze
Drifting through a summer night
Heading for a sunny day
But most folks' lives, oh they stumble
Lord they fall
Through no fault of their own
Most folks never catch their stars
And here I am, lord
I'm knocking at your place of business
I know I ain't got no business here
But you said if I ever got so low
I was busted,
You could be trusted

Some folks' lives roll easy
Some folks' lives
Never roll at all
Oh, they just fall
They just fall
Some folks' lives

Mirror lyrics:

Some folks' lives
They just fall
Oh, they just fall
Never roll at all
Some folks' lives
Some folks' lives roll easy

You could be trusted
I was busted,
But you said if I ever got so low
I know I ain't got no business here
I'm knocking at your place of business
And here I am, lord
Most folks never catch their stars
Through no fault of their own
Lord they fall
But most folks' lives, oh they stumble
Heading for a sunny day
Drifting through a summer night
Some folks' lives roll easy as a breeze

Words & music by paul simon

Relevant Tags:
SSome FFolks LLives RRoll EEasy ome olks ives oll asy oSme oFlks iLves oRll aEsy zome colks kives doll sasy zSome cFolks kLives dRoll sEasy
Szome Fcolks Lkives Rdoll Esasy wome rolks oives 4oll 3asy wSome rFolks oLives 4Roll 3Easy Swome Frolks Loives R4oll E3asy dome golks pives goll fasy
dSome gFolks pLives gRoll fEasy Sdome Fgolks Lpives Rgoll Efasy eome tolks Liives toll rasy eSome tFolks Lves tRoll rEasy Seome Ftolks Lvies Rtoll Erasy
xome volks Ljves 5oll 4asy xSome vFolks Ljives 5Roll 4Easy Sxome Fvolks Lijves R5oll E4asy aome dolks L9ves foll dasy aSome dFolks L9ives fRoll dEasy
Saome Fdolks Li9ves Rfoll Edasy Soome Foolks Llves eoll wasy Sme Flks Llives eRoll wEasy Smoe Floks Lilves Reoll Ewasy Skme Fklks Loves Rooll Eaasy
Skome Fkolks Rll Esy Sokme Foklks Lioves Rlol Esay S9me F9lks Lkves Rkll Ezsy S9ome F9olks Rkoll Ezasy So9me Fo9lks Likves Rokll Eazsy
S0me F0lks L8ves R9ll Eqsy S0ome F0olks L8ives R9oll Eqasy So0me Fo0lks Li8ves Ro9ll Eaqsy Slme Fllks Luves R0ll Essy Slome Flolks Luives R0oll
Solme Follks Liuves Ro0ll Eassy Sime Filks Livves Rlll Ewsy Siome Fiolks Lies Rloll Soime Foilks Lievs Rolll Eawsy Somme Libes Rill Exsy
Soe Foks Libves Rioll Exasy Soem Fokls Livbes Roill Eaxsy Soje Fokks Lices Sojme Licves Rol Eay Somje Folkks Livces Roll Eays

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