Paul Simon
God Bless The Absentee

Lord, I'm a working man
And music is my trade
I'm travelin' with this five-piece band
And I play the ace of spades
I have a wife and family
Who don't see much of me
God bless the absentee

Lord, I am a surgeon
And music is my knife
It cuts away my sorrow
And purifies my life
But if I could release my heart
And veins and arteries
I'd say God bless the absentee

I miss my woman so
I miss my bed
I miss those soft places
I used to lay my head

My son don't need me yet
His bones are soft
He flies a silver airplane
He wears a golden cross
God bless the absentee

Lord, this country's changed so fast
The future is the present
The present's in the past
Highways are in litigation
The airports disagree
God bless the absentee
God bless the absentee

Mirror lyrics:

God bless the absentee
God bless the absentee
The airports disagree
Highways are in litigation
The present's in the past
The future is the present
Lord, this country's changed so fast

God bless the absentee
He wears a golden cross
He flies a silver airplane
His bones are soft
My son don't need me yet

I used to lay my head
I miss those soft places
I miss my bed
I miss my woman so

I'd say God bless the absentee
And veins and arteries
But if I could release my heart
And purifies my life
It cuts away my sorrow
And music is my knife
Lord, I am a surgeon

God bless the absentee
Who don't see much of me
I have a wife and family
And I play the ace of spades
I'm travelin' with this five-piece band
And music is my trade
Lord, I'm a working man

Relevant Tags:
GGod BBless TThe AAbsentee od less he bsentee oGd lBess hTe bAsentee hod vless fhe zbsentee hGod vBless fThe zAbsentee Ghod Bvless Tfhe Azbsentee
yod gless 5he qbsentee yGod gBless 5The qAbsentee Gyod Bgless T5he Aqbsentee bod nless hhe sbsentee bGod nBless hThe sAbsentee Gbod Bnless Thhe Asbsentee
vod hless yhe wbsentee vGod hBless yThe wAbsentee Gvod Bhless Tyhe Awbsentee fod Blless 6he xbsentee fGod Bess 6The xAbsentee Gfod Belss T6he Axbsentee
tod Bkess ghe Abbsentee tGod Bkless gThe Asentee Gtod Blkess Tghe Asbentee Good Boess rhe Avsentee Gd Boless rThe Avbsentee Gdo Bloess Trhe Abvsentee
Gkd Bpess Agsentee Gkod Bpless Te Agbsentee Gokd Blpess Teh Abgsentee G9d Bleess Tje Ansentee G9od Blss Tjhe Anbsentee Go9d Blses Thje Abnsentee
G0d Blsss Tue Ahsentee G0od Blsess Tuhe Ahbsentee Go0d Blesss Thue Abhsentee Gld Bl3ss Tne Abssentee Glod Bl3ess Tnhe Abentee Gold Ble3ss Thne Abesntee
Gid Blfss Tbe Abzentee Giod Blfess Tbhe Abzsentee Goid Blefss Thbe Abszentee Godd Blrss Tge Abwentee Go Blress Abwsentee God Blerss Thge Abswentee
Gox Bl4ss Tye Abdentee Goxd Bl4ess Abdsentee Godx Ble4ss Thye Absdentee Goe Bldss Thee Abeentee Goed Bldess Th Abesentee Gode Bledss The Abseentee
Gof Blwss Ths Abxentee Gofd Blwess Thse Abxsentee Godf Blewss Thes Absxentee Gor Th3 Abaentee Gord Bles Th3e Abasentee Godr Bless The3 Absaentee
Goc Blezs Thf Gocd Blezss Thfe Absntee Godc Bleszs Thef Absnetee Gos Blews Thr Abssntee Gosd Thre Gods Blesws Ther Absesntee
Bleds Th4 Abs3ntee Th4e Abs3entee Blesds The4 Abse3ntee Blees Thd Absfntee Thde Absfentee Bleses Thed Absefntee
Blexs Thw Absrntee Blexss Thwe Absrentee Blesxs Thew Abserntee Bleas Abs4ntee Bleass Abs4entee Blesas Abse4ntee

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