Paul Robeson
Mighty Like A Rose

Sweetest little fellow ev'rybody knows
Don't know what to call him but he's mighty like a rose
Lookin' at his mammy with eyes so shiny blue
Make you think that heav'n is comin' close to you

When he's there a-sleepin in his little place
Think I see angels looking through the lace
When the dark is fallin', when the shadows creep
Then they comes on tiptoe to kiss him in his sleep

Sweetest little fellow ev'rybody knows
Don't know what to call him but he's mighty like a rose
Lookin' at his mammy with eyes so shiny blue
Make you think that heav'n is comin' close to you

When the dark is fallin', when the shadows creep
Then they comes on tiptoe to kiss him in his sleep

Sweetest little fellow ev'rybody knows
Don't know what to call him but he's mighty like a rose
Lookin' at his mammy with eyes so shiny blue
Make you think that heav'n is comin' close to you

Mirror lyrics:

Make you think that heav'n is comin' close to you
Lookin' at his mammy with eyes so shiny blue
Don't know what to call him but he's mighty like a rose
Sweetest little fellow ev'rybody knows

Then they comes on tiptoe to kiss him in his sleep
When the dark is fallin', when the shadows creep

Make you think that heav'n is comin' close to you
Lookin' at his mammy with eyes so shiny blue
Don't know what to call him but he's mighty like a rose
Sweetest little fellow ev'rybody knows

Then they comes on tiptoe to kiss him in his sleep
When the dark is fallin', when the shadows creep
Think I see angels looking through the lace
When he's there a-sleepin in his little place

Make you think that heav'n is comin' close to you
Lookin' at his mammy with eyes so shiny blue
Don't know what to call him but he's mighty like a rose
Sweetest little fellow ev'rybody knows

Relevant Tags:
MMighty LLike AA RRose ighty ike ose iMghty iLke A oRse jighty kike z dose jMighty kLike zA dRose Mjighty Lkike Az Rdose
kighty oike q 4ose kMighty oLike qA 4Rose Mkighty Loike Aq R4ose nighty pike s gose nMighty pLike sA gRose Mnighty Lpike As Rgose
Miighty Liike w tose Mghty Lke wA tRose Mgihty Lkie Aw Rtose Mjghty Ljke x 5ose Ljike xA 5Rose Mijghty Lijke Ax R5ose
M9ghty L9ke fose M9ighty L9ike fRose Mi9ghty Li9ke Rfose Mlghty Llke eose Mlighty Llike eRose Milghty Lilke Reose
Moghty Loke Roose Moighty Rse Mioghty Lioke Rsoe Mkghty Lkke Rkse Rkose Mikghty Likke Rokse
M8ghty L8ke R9se M8ighty L8ike R9ose Mi8ghty Li8ke Ro9se Mughty Luke R0se Muighty Luike R0ose Miughty Liuke Ro0se
Migghty Rlse Mihty Lie Rlose Mihgty Liek Rolse Mihhty Lile Rise Mihghty Riose Mighhty Likle Roise
Miyhty Lioe Rosse Miyghty Roe Migyhty Likoe Roes Mibhty Lime Roze Mibghty Limke Rozse Migbhty Likme Rosze
Mivhty Lije Rowe Mivghty Rowse Migvhty Likje Roswe Mifhty Liie Rode Mifghty Rodse Migfhty Likie Rosde
Mithty Likee Roee Mitghty Lik Roese

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