Paul Weller
I Should Have Been There To Inspire You

Nothing I'd say or I could do
Could move the mountains from your view
Nothing I see or I could show
There's only darkness now I know

I should have been there to inspire you
Not paint your world a cold, cold blue
I should have been there to inspire you
I could have told you truthful too
I believed in you – told you truthful too

I could have been there within your reach
This is not self pity of which I speak
I never took the time to see you grown
I never took the care it takes to know
Never took the time to see what you'd found
But always had the time to bring you down

I should have been there to inspire you
Not paint your world a cold, cold blue
I should have been there to inspire you
I could have told you truthful too
I believed in you – told you truthful too

I should have been there

More than all this I do not know
Only that love is here to show
Someone a world, to be themselves
A place to fall when all else fails
And friends harsh words cut deep and sore
But believe me mine will hurt me more
In those moments before I sleep
When I am truly alone to see

I should have been there to inspire you
Not paint your world a cold, cold blue
I should have been there to inspire you
I could have told you truthful too
I should have been there to inspire you
Not paint your world a cold, cold blue
I should have been there to inspire you
I could have told you truthful too
I believed in you – told you truthful too

Oh I believed in you
Yeah I believed in you

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah I believed in you
Oh I believed in you

I believed in you – told you truthful too
I could have told you truthful too
I should have been there to inspire you
Not paint your world a cold, cold blue
I should have been there to inspire you
I could have told you truthful too
I should have been there to inspire you
Not paint your world a cold, cold blue
I should have been there to inspire you

When I am truly alone to see
In those moments before I sleep
But believe me mine will hurt me more
And friends harsh words cut deep and sore
A place to fall when all else fails
Someone a world, to be themselves
Only that love is here to show
More than all this I do not know

I should have been there

I believed in you – told you truthful too
I could have told you truthful too
I should have been there to inspire you
Not paint your world a cold, cold blue
I should have been there to inspire you

But always had the time to bring you down
Never took the time to see what you'd found
I never took the care it takes to know
I never took the time to see you grown
This is not self pity of which I speak
I could have been there within your reach

I believed in you – told you truthful too
I could have told you truthful too
I should have been there to inspire you
Not paint your world a cold, cold blue
I should have been there to inspire you

There's only darkness now I know
Nothing I see or I could show
Could move the mountains from your view
Nothing I'd say or I could do

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II SShould HHave BBeen TThere TTo IInspire YYou hould ave een here o nspire ou I hSould aHve eBen hTere oT nIspire oYu
j zhould jave veen fhere fo jnspire gou jI zShould jHave vBeen fThere fTo jInspire gYou Ij Szhould Hjave Bveen Tfhere Tfo Ijnspire Ygou
9 whould uave geen 5here 5o 9nspire hou 9I wShould uHave gBeen 5There 5To 9Inspire hYou I9 Swhould Huave Bgeen T5here T5o I9nspire Yhou
l dhould nave neen hhere ho lnspire 6ou lI dShould nHave nBeen hThere hTo lInspire 6You Il Sdhould Hnave Bneen Thhere Tho Ilnspire Y6ou
o ehould bave heen yhere yo onspire uou oI eShould bHave hBeen yThere yTo oInspire uYou Io Sehould Hbave Bheen Tyhere Tyo Ionspire Yuou
k xhould gave Beeen 6here 6o knspire 7ou kI xShould gHave Ben 6There 6To kInspire 7You Ik Sxhould Hgave Been T6here T6o Iknspire Y7ou
8 ahould yave Bsen ghere go 8nspire jou 8I aShould yHave Bseen gThere gTo 8Inspire jYou I8 Sahould Hyave Besen Tghere Tgo I8nspire Yjou
u Shhould Haave B3en rhere ro unspire tou uI Sould Hve B3een rThere rTo uInspire tYou Iu Sohuld Hvae Be3en Trhere Tro Iunspire Ytou
Sjould Hzve Bfen Too Innspire Yoou Sjhould Hzave Bfeen Tere T Ispire Yu Shjould Hazve Befen Tehre To Isnpire Yuo
Suould Hqve Bren Tjere Tk Imspire Yku Suhould Hqave Breen Tjhere Tko Imnspire Ykou Shuould Haqve Beren Thjere Tok Inmspire Yoku
Snould Hsve B4en Tuere T9 Ihspire Y9u Snhould Hsave B4een Tuhere T9o Ihnspire Y9ou Shnould Hasve Be4en Thuere To9 Inhspire Yo9u
Sbould Hwve Bden Tnere T0 Ijspire Y0u Sbhould Hwave Bdeen Tnhere T0o Y0ou Shbould Hawve Beden Thnere To0 Injspire Yo0u
Sgould Hxve Bwen Tbere Tl Ibspire Ylu Sghould Hxave Bween Tbhere Tlo Ibnspire Ylou Shgould Haxve Bewen Thbere Tol Inbspire Yolu
Syould Havve Tgere Ti Insspire Yiu Syhould Hae Tio Inpire Yiou Shyould Haev Bene Thgere Toi Inpsire Yoiu
Shoould Habe Besn Tyere Inzpire Youu Shuld Habve Inzspire Yo Shuold Havbe Beesn Thyere Inszpire You
Shkuld Hace Be3n Theere Inwpire Yoh Shkould Hacve Thre Inwspire Yohu Shokuld Havce Bee3n Three Inswpire Youh
Sh9uld Hage Befn Thsre Indpire Yo7 Sh9ould Hagve Thsere Indspire Yo7u Sho9uld Havge Beefn Thesre Insdpire You7
Sh0uld Hafe Bern Th3re Inepire Yok Sh0ould Hafve Th3ere Inespire Sho0uld Havfe Beern The3re Insepire Youk
Shluld Havee Be4n Thfre Inxpire Yoi Shlould Hav Thfere Inxspire Sholuld Have Bee4n Thefre Insxpire Youi
Shiuld Havs Bedn Thrre Inapire Yo8 Shiould Havse Threre Inaspire Yo8u Shoiuld Haves Beedn Therre Insapire You8
Shouuld Hav3 Bewn Th4re Insppire Yoj Shold Hav3e Th4ere Insire Yoju Sholud Have3 Beewn The4re Insipre Youj
Shohld Havf Beenn Thdre Ins0ire Yoy Shohuld Bee Thdere Ins0pire Yoyu Shouhld Havef Thedre Insp0ire Youy
Sho7ld Havr Beem Thwre Inslire Sho7uld Havre Beemn Thwere Inslpire

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