The Reasons

It's just the way it goes everybody does
And nobody said I can't
And this is how I feel and I just wanted to
I really thought I could


Because, the reasons why, oh,
Why do we do the things we do?
Because, I try (because, I try)
to make you see these things the way I do

It is what it is and that's too bad for you
I don't even care
Why can't I? Why not?
And I do what I want
And its cuz I said so

Because, the reasons why oh,
Why do we do the things we do?
Because, I try (because, I try)
to make you see these things the way I do

Because, the reasons why oh, (because, why oh)
Why do we do the things we do?
Because, the reasons (the reason, decide)
The reasons the reasons

Why, ohhh
Why, ohhh
Why, ohhh
Why, ohhh

Because, the reasons why oh,
Why do we do the things we do?
Because, I try (because, I try)
To make you see these things the way I do

Because, the reasons why oh, (because, why oh)
Why do we do the things we do?
Because the reasons because the reasons (reasons, decide)
I try to reason




Mirror lyrics:




I try to reason
Because the reasons because the reasons (reasons, decide)
Why do we do the things we do?
Because, the reasons why oh, (because, why oh)

To make you see these things the way I do
Because, I try (because, I try)
Why do we do the things we do?
Because, the reasons why oh,

Why, ohhh
Why, ohhh
Why, ohhh
Why, ohhh

The reasons the reasons
Because, the reasons (the reason, decide)
Why do we do the things we do?
Because, the reasons why oh, (because, why oh)

to make you see these things the way I do
Because, I try (because, I try)
Why do we do the things we do?
Because, the reasons why oh,

And its cuz I said so
And I do what I want
Why can't I? Why not?
I don't even care
It is what it is and that's too bad for you

to make you see these things the way I do
Because, I try (because, I try)
Why do we do the things we do?
Because, the reasons why, oh,


I really thought I could
And this is how I feel and I just wanted to
And nobody said I can't
It's just the way it goes everybody does

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hThe gReasons Thhe Rgeasons yhe teasons yThe tReasons Tyhe Rteasons 6he 5easons 6The 5Reasons T6he R5easons ghe feasons gThe fReasons
Tghe Rfeasons rhe eeasons rThe eReasons Trhe Reeasons Te Rasons Teh Raesons Tje Rsasons Tjhe Rseasons Thje Resasons Tue R3asons
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Tye Rdasons Thye Redasons Thee Rwasons Th Rweasons The Rewasons Ths Reaasons Thse Resons Thes Resaons Th3 Rezsons Th3e Rezasons
The3 Reazsons Thf Reqsons Thfe Reqasons Thef Reaqsons Thr Ressons Thre Ther Reassons Th4 Rewsons Th4e The4 Reawsons
Thd Rexsons Thde Rexasons

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