Change The World

Imagine a place only your soul can vision
The heart of a child who looks, sees, and listens
Paints a picture using every color
And what she sees she sees it like no other

One word (one word) , a voice unheard
You can Change The World
With everything I know your made of
One word ( one word), a voice unheard
You can Change The World
If everyone would stop and listen

The art of innocence makes so much sense
but placed in the wrong hands, well then it's wasted
Filtered through the eyes of a pure mind
A one of a kind, paradise for you and I, you and I

One word, a voice unheard
You can Change The World
With everything I know your made of
One word, a voice unheard
You can Change The World
If everyone would stop and listen
Break the cycle, find your rhythm
Share the gift that you've been given - Love
You can, You can Change The World
You can Change The World with love

One word, a voice unheard
You can Change The World
With everything I know your made of
One word, a voice unheard
You can Change The World
If everyone would stop and listen

One word, a voice unheard
You can Change The World
With everything I know your made of
One word, a voice unheard
You can Change The World
If everyone would stop and listen

Mirror lyrics:

If everyone would stop and listen
You can Change The World
One word, a voice unheard
With everything I know your made of
You can Change The World
One word, a voice unheard

If everyone would stop and listen
You can Change The World
One word, a voice unheard
With everything I know your made of
You can Change The World
One word, a voice unheard

You can Change The World with love
You can, You can Change The World
Share the gift that you've been given - Love
Break the cycle, find your rhythm
If everyone would stop and listen
You can Change The World
One word, a voice unheard
With everything I know your made of
You can Change The World
One word, a voice unheard

A one of a kind, paradise for you and I, you and I
Filtered through the eyes of a pure mind
but placed in the wrong hands, well then it's wasted
The art of innocence makes so much sense

If everyone would stop and listen
You can Change The World
One word ( one word), a voice unheard
With everything I know your made of
You can Change The World
One word (one word) , a voice unheard

And what she sees she sees it like no other
Paints a picture using every color
The heart of a child who looks, sees, and listens
Imagine a place only your soul can vision

Relevant Tags:
CChange TThe WWorld hange he orld hCange hTe oWrld fhange fhe aorld fChange fThe aWorld Cfhange Tfhe Waorld xhange 5he 3orld
xChange 5The 3World Cxhange T5he W3orld vhange hhe dorld vChange hThe dWorld Cvhange Thhe Wdorld dhange yhe eorld dChange yThe eWorld
Cdhange Tyhe Weorld Chhange 6he sorld Cange 6The sWorld Cahnge T6he Wsorld Cjange ghe 2orld Cjhange gThe 2World Chjange Tghe W2orld
Cuange rhe qorld Cuhange rThe qWorld Chuange Trhe Wqorld Cnange Woorld Cnhange Te Wrld Chnange Teh Wrold Cbange Tje Wkrld
Cbhange Tjhe Wkorld Chbange Thje Wokrld Cgange Tue W9rld Cghange Tuhe W9orld Chgange Thue Wo9rld Cyange Tne W0rld Cyhange Tnhe W0orld
Chyange Thne Wo0rld Chaange Tbe Wlrld Chnge Tbhe Wlorld Chnage Thbe Wolrld Chznge Tge Wirld Chzange Wiorld Chaznge Thge Woirld
Chqnge Tye Worrld Chqange Wold Chaqnge Thye Wolrd Chsnge Thee Wodld Chsange Th Wodrld Chasnge The Wordld Chwnge Ths Wo4ld
Chwange Thse Wo4rld Chawnge Thes Wor4ld Chxnge Th3 Wogld Chxange Th3e Wogrld Chaxnge The3 Worgld Channge Thf Wotld Chage Thfe Wotrld

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