Over The Rhine
If A Song Could Be President

If a song could be president

We'd hum on Election Day

The gospel choir would start to sway

And we'd all have a part to play

The First Lady would free her hips

Pull a microphone to her lips

Break our hearts with rhythm and blues

Steve Earle would anchor the news

We'd vote for a melody

Pass it around on an MP3

All our best foreign policy

Would be built on harmony

If a song could be president

We'd fly a jukebox to the moon

All our founding fathers 45's

Lightnin' Hopkins and Patsy Cline

If a song could be president

If a song could be president

We could all add another verse

Life would teach us to rehearse

Till we found a key change

Break out of this minor key

Half truths and hypocrisy

We wouldn't need an underachiever-in-chief

If a song could be president

We'd make Neil Young a Senator

Even though he came from Canada

Emmy Lou would be Ambassador

World leaders would listen to her

They would show us where our country went wrong

Strum their guitars on the White House lawn

John Prine would run the FBI

All the criminals would laugh and cry

If a song could be president

Mirror lyrics:

If a song could be president

All the criminals would laugh and cry

John Prine would run the FBI

Strum their guitars on the White House lawn

They would show us where our country went wrong

World leaders would listen to her

Emmy Lou would be Ambassador

Even though he came from Canada

We'd make Neil Young a Senator

If a song could be president

We wouldn't need an underachiever-in-chief

Half truths and hypocrisy

Break out of this minor key

Till we found a key change

Life would teach us to rehearse

We could all add another verse

If a song could be president

If a song could be president

Lightnin' Hopkins and Patsy Cline

All our founding fathers 45's

We'd fly a jukebox to the moon

If a song could be president

Would be built on harmony

All our best foreign policy

Pass it around on an MP3

We'd vote for a melody

Steve Earle would anchor the news

Break our hearts with rhythm and blues

Pull a microphone to her lips

The First Lady would free her hips

And we'd all have a part to play

The gospel choir would start to sway

We'd hum on Election Day

If a song could be president

Relevant Tags:
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Ir S0ng Ciuld B4 Pfesident Irf S0ong Ciould B4e Pfresident Ifr So0ng Coiuld Be4 Prfesident Ig Slng Couuld Bd Peesident Igf Slong Cold Bde Peresident
Ifg Solng Colud Bed Preesident It Sing Cohld Bw Itf Siong Cohuld Bwe Prsident Ift Soing Couhld Bew Prseident Iv Sonng Co7ld Prssident
Ivf Sog Co7uld Prsesident Ifv Sogn Cou7ld Pressident Id Somg Cokld Pr3sident Idf Somng Pr3esident Ifd Sonmg Coukld Pre3sident
Sohg Coild Prfsident Sohng Sonhg Couild Prefsident Sojg Co8ld Prrsident Sojng Co8uld
Sonjg Cou8ld Prersident Sobg Cojld Pr4sident Sobng Cojuld Sonbg Coujld Pre4sident Songg Coyld Prdsident
Son Coyuld Song Couyld Predsident Sonh Coulld Prwsident Coud Prwesident Songh Coudl Prewsident
Sony Coukd Sonyg Preident Songy Coulkd Preisdent Sonb Couod Prezident Couold Prezsident
Songb Coulod Preszident Sonv Coupd Prewident Sonvg Coupld Songv Coulpd Preswident Sonf Couldd Predident
Sonfg Coul Songf Could Presdident Sont Coulx Preeident Sontg Coulxd Songt Couldx Preseident
Coule Prexident Couled Prexsident Coulde Presxident Coulf Preaident Coulfd Preasident
Couldf Presaident Coulr Presiident Coulrd Presdent Couldr Presdient Coulc Presjdent
Coulcd Presjident Couldc Presijdent

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