Over The Rhine
Etcetera Whatever

Don't speak.
Words come out your eyes.
You're wet with this nightmare.
Like thorns you hold these secrets to your breast,
your slender fingers closing into fists.

Trace your bruise
like a guilty streak.
Hold the pain.
You're a connoisseur.
You think you have no other gift to give,
but we have so much left to live.

We don't need a lot of money.
We'll be sleeping on the beach,
keeping oceans within reach.
(Whatever private oceans we can conjure up for free.)
I will stumble there with you
and you'll be laughing close with me,
trying not to make a scene
etcetera. Whatever. I guess all I really mean

is we're gonna be alright.
Yeah, we're gonna be alright.
You can close your eyes tonight,
'cause we're gonna be alright.

So come on now,
I can almost see
that place
on a distant shore.
And courage is a weapon we must use
to find some life you can't refuse.

We don't need a lot of money.
We'll be sleeping on the beach,
keeping oceans within reach.
(Whatever private oceans we can conjure up for free.)
I will stumble there with you
and you'll be laughing close with me,
trying not to make a scene
etcetera. Whatever. I guess all I really mean

is we're gonna be alright.
Yeah, we're gonna be alright.
You can close your eyes tonight,
'cause we're gonna be alright.
All that I can see is your eyes.
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.

Mirror lyrics:

Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
All that I can see is your eyes.
'cause we're gonna be alright.
You can close your eyes tonight,
Yeah, we're gonna be alright.
is we're gonna be alright.

etcetera. Whatever. I guess all I really mean
trying not to make a scene
and you'll be laughing close with me,
I will stumble there with you
(Whatever private oceans we can conjure up for free.)
keeping oceans within reach.
We'll be sleeping on the beach,
We don't need a lot of money.

to find some life you can't refuse.
And courage is a weapon we must use
on a distant shore.
that place
I can almost see
So come on now,

'cause we're gonna be alright.
You can close your eyes tonight,
Yeah, we're gonna be alright.
is we're gonna be alright.

etcetera. Whatever. I guess all I really mean
trying not to make a scene
and you'll be laughing close with me,
I will stumble there with you
(Whatever private oceans we can conjure up for free.)
keeping oceans within reach.
We'll be sleeping on the beach,
We don't need a lot of money.

but we have so much left to live.
You think you have no other gift to give,
You're a connoisseur.
Hold the pain.
like a guilty streak.
Trace your bruise

your slender fingers closing into fists.
Like thorns you hold these secrets to your breast,
You're wet with this nightmare.
Words come out your eyes.
Don't speak.

Relevant Tags:
EEtcetera WWhatever tcetera hatever tEcetera hWatever stcetera ahatever sEtcetera aWhatever Estcetera Wahatever
3tcetera 3hatever 3Etcetera 3Whatever E3tcetera W3hatever ftcetera dhatever fEtcetera dWhatever Eftcetera Wdhatever
rtcetera ehatever rEtcetera eWhatever Ertcetera Wehatever 4tcetera shatever 4Etcetera sWhatever E4tcetera Wshatever
dtcetera 2hatever dEtcetera 2Whatever Edtcetera W2hatever wtcetera qhatever wEtcetera qWhatever Ewtcetera Wqhatever
Ettcetera Whhatever Ecetera Watever Ectetera Wahtever Efcetera Wjatever Wjhatever Etfcetera Whjatever
E5cetera Wuatever E5tcetera Wuhatever Et5cetera Whuatever Ehcetera Wnatever Ehtcetera Wnhatever Ethcetera Whnatever
Eycetera Wbatever Eytcetera Wbhatever Etycetera Whbatever E6cetera Wgatever E6tcetera Wghatever Et6cetera Whgatever
Egcetera Wyatever Egtcetera Wyhatever Etgcetera Whyatever Ercetera Whaatever Whtever Etrcetera Whtaever
Etccetera Whztever Etetera Whzatever Etectera Whaztever Etfetera Whqtever Whqatever Etcfetera Whaqtever
Etxetera Whstever Etxcetera Whsatever Etcxetera Whastever Etvetera Whwtever Etvcetera Whwatever Etcvetera Whawtever
Etdetera Whxtever Etdcetera Whxatever Etcdetera Whaxtever Etceetera Whattever Etctera Whaever Etcteera Whaetver
Etcstera Whafever Etcsetera Whaftever Etcestera Whatfever Etc3tera Wha5ever Etc3etera Wha5tever Etce3tera What5ever
Etcftera Whahever Whahtever Etceftera Whathever Etcrtera Whayever Etcretera Whaytever Etcertera Whatyever
Etc4tera Wha6ever Etc4etera Wha6tever Etce4tera What6ever Etcdtera Whagever Whagtever

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