New Machine

Nailed to the cross by just words,
Crucifixion complete.
Close enough to the fire...
To feel temptation's heat.
It's gone away to taste the ground,
Replaced by the incessant sound of fear.

There's a ring in my ears,
I'm bleeding from my heart.
Far away from love...
The execution starts.
Made us what we are today,
A lonely pile of disarray.

We are the children of a new regime
We are the children of a new machine.

Mass production, thought controlled.
No I never knew my heart.
No. Never knew the love...
That made them fall apart.
It's gone away to taste the ground,
Replaced by the incessant sound we hear.

We are the children
Ya, the children
What of the children?
We are the children of the new machine.
What of the children?
We are the children of the new machine.
The new machine.

Mirror lyrics:

The new machine.
We are the children of the new machine.
What of the children?
We are the children of the new machine.
What of the children?
Ya, the children
We are the children

Replaced by the incessant sound we hear.
It's gone away to taste the ground,
That made them fall apart.
No. Never knew the love...
No I never knew my heart.
Mass production, thought controlled.

We are the children of a new machine.
We are the children of a new regime

A lonely pile of disarray.
Made us what we are today,
The execution starts.
Far away from love...
I'm bleeding from my heart.
There's a ring in my ears,

Replaced by the incessant sound of fear.
It's gone away to taste the ground,
To feel temptation's heat.
Close enough to the fire...
Crucifixion complete.
Nailed to the cross by just words,

Relevant Tags:
NNew MMachine ew achine eNw aMchine mew jachine mNew jMachine Nmew Mjachine hew kachine hNew kMachine Nhew Mkachine jew nachine
jNew nMachine Njew Mnachine bew Maachine bNew Mchine Nbew Mcahine Neew Mzchine Nw Mzachine Nwe Mazchine Nsw Mqchine Nsew Mqachine
Nesw Maqchine N3w Mschine N3ew Msachine Ne3w Maschine Nfw Mwchine Nfew Mwachine Nefw Mawchine Nrw Mxchine Nrew Mxachine Nerw Maxchine
N4w Macchine N4ew Mahine Ne4w Mahcine Ndw Mafhine Ndew Mafchine Nedw Macfhine Nww Maxhine Nwew Neww Macxhine Mavhine
Ne Mavchine New Macvhine Nea Madhine Neaw Madchine Newa Macdhine Ne3 Machhine Macine New3 Macihne Ned Macjine Macjhine
Newd Machjine Nee Macuine Macuhine Newe Machuine Nes Macnine Macnhine News Machnine Ne2 Macbine Ne2w Macbhine New2 Machbine
Neq Macgine Neqw Macghine Newq Machgine

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