
It's not like you can just kill me

Actually, it's a lot like that

Whatcha, whatcha gonna do?

Who who who ya gonna screw?

Play it like ya really bad


Wanna, wanna be the man

Doin' everything ya can

Play it like ya really bad


Can I interest you in nothin'?

Will you buy my disease?

You can take what you want

You can have what you need

Can I interest you in nothing' ya

I think you'll be pleased

If you're lookin' for war

Open the 1, 2, 3 door

Bleedin' like a stuck pig

Play it like you're really big

Bleedin' like a stuck pig

Don't matter!

No one loves ya baby now

Without sayin' please

And you got blood on your hands

You got dirt on your knees

Can I offer you salvation

Yeah I think you'll agree

You're about to fall, about to fall

About to fall, about to fall

The battle, the war

The battle, the battle

The war, the battle

Inside job, ya got a revolution, yeah

Napoleon had less rage

Self made mob

Ya need an institution

Yeah, ya need a full time cage

Why do you stay here?

Why do you roam?

Kaos feed the big man

He ain't going home, ain't going home

It's not like you can just kill me

Just kill me

Kill me, kill me

Disciple of Kaos

A self made man

Disciple of Kaos

That's what I am

Disciple of Kaos

The silent roar

Disciple of Kaos

Open the 1, 2, 3 war

The battle, the war

The battle, the battle

The war, the battle

Whatcha, whatcha gonna do?

Who, who, who ya gonna screw?

Whatcha, whatcha gonna do?

Whatcha, whatcha gonna do?

Who, who, who ya gonna screw?

Whatcha, whatcha gonna do?

Mirror lyrics:

Whatcha, whatcha gonna do?

Who, who, who ya gonna screw?

Whatcha, whatcha gonna do?

Whatcha, whatcha gonna do?

Who, who, who ya gonna screw?

Whatcha, whatcha gonna do?

The war, the battle

The battle, the battle

The battle, the war

Open the 1, 2, 3 war

Disciple of Kaos

The silent roar

Disciple of Kaos

That's what I am

Disciple of Kaos

A self made man

Disciple of Kaos

Kill me, kill me

Just kill me

It's not like you can just kill me

He ain't going home, ain't going home

Kaos feed the big man

Why do you roam?

Why do you stay here?

Yeah, ya need a full time cage

Ya need an institution

Self made mob

Napoleon had less rage

Inside job, ya got a revolution, yeah

The war, the battle

The battle, the battle

The battle, the war

About to fall, about to fall

You're about to fall, about to fall

Yeah I think you'll agree

Can I offer you salvation

You got dirt on your knees

And you got blood on your hands

Without sayin' please

No one loves ya baby now

Don't matter!

Bleedin' like a stuck pig

Play it like you're really big

Bleedin' like a stuck pig

Open the 1, 2, 3 door

If you're lookin' for war

I think you'll be pleased

Can I interest you in nothing' ya

You can have what you need

You can take what you want

Will you buy my disease?

Can I interest you in nothin'?


Play it like ya really bad

Doin' everything ya can

Wanna, wanna be the man


Play it like ya really bad

Who who who ya gonna screw?

Whatcha, whatcha gonna do?

Actually, it's a lot like that

It's not like you can just kill me

Relevant Tags:
BBattle attle aBttle vattle vBattle Bvattle gattle gBattle Bgattle nattle nBattle
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Bqattle Baqttle Bsttle Bsattle Basttle Bwttle Bwattle Bawttle Bxttle Bxattle Baxttle
Batttle Batle Battle Baftle Bafttle Batftle Ba5tle Ba5ttle Bat5tle Bahtle Bahttle
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