Our Lady Peace
Can't Make It Good (century Hotel)

I sit by the phone
Waiting for someone to call me
but I can't hear
I'm just a little bit
I wanted to run
But if there's somewhere to go, yeah,
I'll be there
I just don't know because
I know
I just can't let it go
But if I could let you know
That your leaving me alone
And I know
I just can't let it go
But if I could let you know
That would be right
I just don't know

I sit all alone
Surrounded by the man inside the speaker
Just need some sympathy
And then time
Is taking it's toll
I'm afraid I'll sink deeper and deeper
I'm sick of these tendancies and then

I know
I just can't make it good
But if I could show you the world
And the way I think that it should turn
I know
I just can't make it good
But if I could show you the world
And the way, the way I think that it should

I threw in my soul
Threw in my heart and intuition
Don't need them stuck in here
And then why
Why won't you come?
Why won't you believe in what I'm missing?
I'm missing, I'm missing

I know
I just can't make it good
But if I could show you the world
And the way I think that it should turn (x4)

Mirror lyrics:

And the way I think that it should turn (x4)
But if I could show you the world
I just can't make it good
I know

I'm missing, I'm missing
Why won't you believe in what I'm missing?
Why won't you come?
And then why
Don't need them stuck in here
Threw in my heart and intuition
I threw in my soul

And the way, the way I think that it should
But if I could show you the world
I just can't make it good
I know
And the way I think that it should turn
But if I could show you the world
I just can't make it good
I know

I'm sick of these tendancies and then
I'm afraid I'll sink deeper and deeper
Is taking it's toll
And then time
Just need some sympathy
Surrounded by the man inside the speaker
I sit all alone

I just don't know
That would be right
But if I could let you know
I just can't let it go
And I know
That your leaving me alone
But if I could let you know
I just can't let it go
I know
I just don't know because
I'll be there
But if there's somewhere to go, yeah,
I wanted to run
I'm just a little bit
but I can't hear
Waiting for someone to call me
I sit by the phone

Relevant Tags:
CCan't MMake IIt GGood ((century HHotel) an't ake t ood century otel) aCn't aMke tI oGod c(entury oHtel) fan't jake jt hood (ccentury jotel) fCan't jMake jIt hGood (entury jHotel)
Cfan't Mjake Ijt Ghood (ecntury Hjotel) xan't kake 9t yood (fentury uotel) xCan't kMake 9It yGood (fcentury uHotel) Cxan't Mkake I9t Gyood (cfentury Huotel) van't nake lt bood (xentury notel)
vCan't nMake lIt bGood (xcentury nHotel) Cvan't Mnake Ilt Gbood (cxentury Hnotel) dan't Maake ot vood (ventury botel) dCan't Mke oIt vGood (vcentury bHotel) Cdan't Mkae Iot Gvood (cventury Hbotel)
Caan't Mzke kt food (dentury gotel) Cn't Mzake kIt fGood (dcentury gHotel) Cna't Mazke Ikt Gfood (cdentury Hgotel) Czn't Mqke 8t tood (ceentury yotel) Czan't Mqake 8It tGood (cntury yHotel)
Cazn't Maqke I8t Gtood (cnetury Hyotel) Cqn't Mske ut Goood (csntury Hootel) Cqan't Msake uIt God (csentury Htel) Caqn't Maske Iut Good (cesntury Htoel) Csn't Mwke Itt Gkod (c3ntury Hktel)
Csan't Mwake I Gkood (c3entury Hkotel) Casn't Mawke It Gokod (ce3ntury Hoktel) Cwn't Mxke If G9od (cfntury H9tel) Cwan't Mxake Ift G9ood H9otel) Cawn't Maxke Itf Go9od (cefntury Ho9tel)
Cxn't Makke I5 G0od (crntury H0tel) Mae I5t G0ood (crentury H0otel) Caxn't Maek It5 Go0od (cerntury Ho0tel) Cann't Male Ih Glod (c4ntury Hltel) Ca't Malke Iht Glood (c4entury Hlotel)
Ca'nt Makle Ith Golod (ce4ntury Holtel) Cam't Maoe Iy Giod (cdntury Hitel) Camn't Maoke Iyt Giood Hiotel) Canm't Makoe Ity Goiod (cedntury Hoitel) Cah't Mame I6 (cwntury Hottel)
Cahn't Mamke I6t (cwentury Hoel) Canh't Makme It6 Godo (cewntury Hoetl) Caj't Maje Ig Gokd (cenntury Hofel) Cajn't Majke Igt (cetury Hoftel) Canj't Makje Itg Gookd (cetnury Hotfel)
Cab't Maie Ir Go9d (cemtury Ho5el) Cabn't Maike Irt (cemntury Ho5tel) Canb't Makie Itr Goo9d (cenmtury Hot5el) Can''t Makee Go0d (cehtury Hohel) Cant Mak (cehntury Hohtel)
Cant' Make Goo0d (cenhtury Hothel) Can'tt Maks Gold (cejtury Hoyel) Can' Makse (cejntury Hoytel) Can't Makes Goold (cenjtury Hotyel) Can'f Mak3 Goid (cebtury Ho6el)
Can'ft Mak3e (cebntury Ho6tel) Can'tf Make3 Gooid (cenbtury Hot6el) Can'5 Makf Goodd (centtury Hogel) Can'5t Makfe Goo (cenury Hogtel) Can't5 Makef (cenutry Hotgel)
Can'h Makr Goox (cenfury Horel) Can'ht Makre Gooxd (cenftury Hortel) Can'th Maker Goodx (centfury Hotrel) Can'y Mak4 Gooe (cen5ury Hoteel) Can'yt Mak4e Gooed (cen5tury Hotl)
Can'ty Make4 Goode (cent5ury Hotle) Can'6 Makd Goof (cenhury Hotsl) Can'6t Makde Goofd Hotsel) Can't6 Maked Goodf (centhury Hotesl) Can'g Makw Goor (cenyury Hot3l)
Can'gt Makwe Goord (cenytury Hot3el) Can'tg Makew Goodr (centyury Hote3l) Can'r Gooc (cen6ury Hotfl)

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