Osborne Brothers
When The Grass Grows Over Me

(Don Chapel)

When you left I thought that I would soon get over you
Even told myself that I'd find somebody too
Time and tears have come and gone but not your memory
But I'll be over you when the grass grows over me.

Yes, I'll be over you when you're standing over me
And as you look down at the cold cold ground I'm sleeping in
Don't expect to hear me say that I still love you then
For I'll be over you when the grass grows over me.

Even when my eyes are closed I keep on seeing you
And each minute I'm alive I'm hurtin' through and through
And as long as I live I know I won't be free
But I'll be over you when the grass grows over me.

Yes, I'll be over you when you're standing over me
And as you look down at the cold cold ground I'm sleeping in
Don't expect to hear me say that I still love you then
For I'll be over you when the grass grows over me...

Mirror lyrics:

For I'll be over you when the grass grows over me...
Don't expect to hear me say that I still love you then
And as you look down at the cold cold ground I'm sleeping in
Yes, I'll be over you when you're standing over me

But I'll be over you when the grass grows over me.
And as long as I live I know I won't be free
And each minute I'm alive I'm hurtin' through and through
Even when my eyes are closed I keep on seeing you

For I'll be over you when the grass grows over me.
Don't expect to hear me say that I still love you then
And as you look down at the cold cold ground I'm sleeping in
Yes, I'll be over you when you're standing over me

But I'll be over you when the grass grows over me.
Time and tears have come and gone but not your memory
Even told myself that I'd find somebody too
When you left I thought that I would soon get over you

(Don Chapel)

Relevant Tags:
WWhen TThe GGrass GGrows OOver MMe hen he rass rows ver e hWen hTe rGass rGows vOer eM ahen fhe hrass hrows kver je aWhen fThe hGrass hGrows kOver jMe
Wahen Tfhe Ghrass Ghrows Okver Mje 3hen 5he yrass yrows 9ver ke 3When 5The yGrass yGrows 9Over kMe W3hen T5he Gyrass Gyrows O9ver Mke dhen hhe brass brows 0ver ne
dWhen hThe bGrass bGrows 0Over nMe Wdhen Thhe Gbrass Gbrows O0ver Mne ehen yhe vrass vrows lver Mee eWhen yThe vGrass vGrows lOver M Wehen Tyhe Gvrass Gvrows Olver Me
shen 6he frass frows iver Ms sWhen 6The fGrass fGrows iOver Mse Wshen T6he Gfrass Gfrows Oiver Mes 2hen ghe trass trows Ovver M3 2When gThe tGrass tGrows Oer M3e
W2hen Tghe Gtrass Gtrows Oevr Me3 qhen rhe Grrass Grrows Ober Mf qWhen rThe Gass Gows Obver Mfe Wqhen Trhe Garss Gorws Ovber Mef Whhen Gdass Gdows Ocer Mr
Wen Te Gdrass Gdrows Ocver Mre Wehn Teh Grdass Grdows Ovcer Mer Wjen Tje G4ass G4ows Oger M4 Wjhen Tjhe G4rass G4rows Ogver M4e Whjen Thje Gr4ass Gr4ows Ovger Me4
Wuen Tue Ggass Ggows Ofer Md Wuhen Tuhe Ggrass Ggrows Ofver Mde Whuen Thue Grgass Grgows Ovfer Med Wnen Tne Gtass Gtows Oveer Mw Wnhen Tnhe Ovr Mwe
Whnen Thne Grtass Grtows Ovre Mew Wben Tbe G5ass G5ows Ovsr Wbhen Tbhe G5rass G5rows Ovser Whben Thbe Gr5ass Gr5ows Ovesr Wgen Tge Gfass Gfows Ov3r
Wghen Ov3er Whgen Thge Grfass Grfows Ove3r Wyen Tye Geass Geows Ovfr Wyhen Gerass Gerows Whyen Thye Greass Greows Ovefr
Wheen Thee Graass Groows Ovrr Whn Th Grss Grws Ovrer Whne The Grsas Grwos Overr Whsn Ths Grzss Grkws Ov4r Whsen Thse Grzass Grkows Ov4er
Whesn Thes Grazss Grokws Ove4r

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