Osborne Brothers
You'll Never Know (how Much It Hurts)

(Don Gibson)

You'll never know how much you'll miss
The one that you love till she's gone you'll never know
You'll never know how much you'll be
Left all alone till she's gone you'll never know.

You'll wonder why you're gonna stop the pain
Or how you'll cry and want her back again
You'll wish a thousand times you haven't said me things
You'll wonder if the sorrow and regret will be in vain
You'll never know how much it hurts
To know you were wrong till she's gone you'll never know.

--- Instrumental ---

You'll never know how much you'll miss
The one that you love till she's gone you'll never know
You'll never know how much you'll be
Left all alone till she's gone you'll never know.

You'll wOr how you'll cry and want her back again
You'll wish a thousand times you haven't said me things
You'll wonder if the sorrow and regret will be in vain
You'll never know how much it hurts
To know you were wrong till she's gone you'll never know.

Wonder why you're gonna stop the pain...

Mirror lyrics:

Wonder why you're gonna stop the pain...

To know you were wrong till she's gone you'll never know.
You'll never know how much it hurts
You'll wonder if the sorrow and regret will be in vain
You'll wish a thousand times you haven't said me things
You'll wOr how you'll cry and want her back again

Left all alone till she's gone you'll never know.
You'll never know how much you'll be
The one that you love till she's gone you'll never know
You'll never know how much you'll miss

--- Instrumental ---

To know you were wrong till she's gone you'll never know.
You'll never know how much it hurts
You'll wonder if the sorrow and regret will be in vain
You'll wish a thousand times you haven't said me things
Or how you'll cry and want her back again
You'll wonder why you're gonna stop the pain

Left all alone till she's gone you'll never know.
You'll never know how much you'll be
The one that you love till she's gone you'll never know
You'll never know how much you'll miss

(Don Gibson)

Relevant Tags:
YYou'll NNever KKnow ((how MMuch IIt HHurts) ou'll ever now how uch t urts) oYu'll eNver nKow h(ow uMch tI uHrts)
gou'll mever lnow (hhow juch jt jurts) gYou'll mNever lKnow (ow jMuch jIt jHurts) Ygou'll Nmever Klnow (ohw Mjuch Ijt Hjurts)
hou'll hever onow (jow kuch 9t uurts) hYou'll hNever oKnow (jhow kMuch 9It uHurts) Yhou'll Nhever Konow (hjow Mkuch I9t Huurts)
6ou'll jever mnow (uow nuch lt nurts) 6You'll jNever mKnow (uhow nMuch lIt nHurts) Y6ou'll Njever Kmnow (huow Mnuch Ilt Hnurts)
uou'll bever jnow (now Muuch ot burts) uYou'll bNever jKnow (nhow Mch oIt bHurts) Yuou'll Nbever Kjnow (hnow Mcuh Iot Hburts)
7ou'll Neever inow (bow Mhch kt gurts) 7You'll Nver iKnow (bhow Mhuch kIt gHurts) Y7ou'll Nveer Kinow (hbow Muhch Ikt Hgurts)
jou'll Nsver Knnow (gow M7ch 8t yurts) jYou'll Nsever Kow (ghow M7uch 8It yHurts) Yjou'll Nesver Konw (hgow Mu7ch I8t Hyurts)
tou'll N3ver Kmow (yow Mkch ut tYou'll N3ever (yhow uIt Hrts) Ytou'll Ne3ver Knmow (hyow Mukch Iut Hruts)
Yoou'll Nfver Khow (hoow Mich Itt Hhrts) Yu'll Nfever Khnow (hw Miuch I Hhurts) Yuo'll Nefver Knhow (hwo Muich It Huhrts)
Yku'll Nrver Kjow (hkw M8ch If H7rts) Ykou'll Nrever (hkow M8uch Ift H7urts) Yoku'll Nerver Knjow (hokw Mu8ch Itf Hu7rts)
Y9u'll N4ver Kbow (h9w Mjch I5 Hkrts) Y9ou'll N4ever Kbnow (h9ow I5t Hkurts) Yo9u'll Ne4ver Knbow (ho9w Mujch It5 Hukrts)
Y0u'll Ndver Knoow (h0w Mych Ih Hirts) Y0ou'll Ndever Knw (h0ow Myuch Iht Hiurts) Yo0u'll Nedver Knwo (ho0w Muych Ith Huirts)
Ylu'll Nwver Knkw (hlw Mucch Iy H8rts) Ylou'll Nwever Knkow (hlow Muh Iyt H8urts) Yolu'll Newver Knokw (holw Muhc Ity Hu8rts)
Yiu'll Nevver Kn9w (hiw Mufh I6 Hjrts) Yiou'll Neer Kn9ow (hiow Mufch I6t Yoiu'll Neevr Kno9w (hoiw Mucfh It6 Hujrts)
Youu'll Neber Kn0w (howw Muxh Ig Hyrts) Yo'll Nebver Kn0ow (ho Muxch Igt Yo'ull Nevber Kno0w (how Mucxh Itg Huyrts)
Yoh'll Necer Knlw (hoa Muvh Ir Hurrts) Yohu'll Necver Knlow (hoaw Muvch Irt Huts) Youh'll Nevcer Knolw (howa Mucvh Itr Hutrs)
Yo7'll Neger Kniw (ho3 Mudh Hudts) Yo7u'll Negver Kniow (ho3w Mudch Hudrts) You7'll Nevger Knoiw (how3 Mucdh Hurdts)
Yok'll Nefer Knoww (hod Muchh Hu4ts) Kno (hodw Muc Hu4rts) Youk'll Nevfer Know (howd Much Hur4ts)
Yoi'll Neveer Knoa (hoe Mucj Hugts)

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