Orphaned Land
The Path Ahead

Here lies before me a road unwalked upon
I am prepared to be the first to walk on shadowed stones
That none has dwelled before
The holy ones stand alert, they await if I might fall
They who pass judgement upon us all
Won't see your darkened face
Won't see your black embrace that makes my fire blaze
The path ahead, a neverending way

And all the words you said to me about the life
That could have been so pure like a knife made of gold
And I feel the tremors in my soul
That lead me now into a fall
Which seems like a neverending way

Mirror lyrics:

Which seems like a neverending way
That lead me now into a fall
And I feel the tremors in my soul
That could have been so pure like a knife made of gold
And all the words you said to me about the life

The path ahead, a neverending way
Won't see your black embrace that makes my fire blaze
Won't see your darkened face
They who pass judgement upon us all
The holy ones stand alert, they await if I might fall
That none has dwelled before
I am prepared to be the first to walk on shadowed stones
Here lies before me a road unwalked upon

Relevant Tags:
TThe PPath AAhead he ath head hTe aPth hAead fhe 0ath zhead fThe 0Path zAhead Tfhe P0ath Azhead 5he lath qhead 5The lPath qAhead
T5he Plath Aqhead hhe oath shead hThe oPath sAhead Thhe Poath Ashead yhe Paath whead yThe Pth wAhead Tyhe Ptah Awhead 6he Pzth xhead
6The Pzath xAhead T6he Pazth Axhead ghe Pqth Ahhead gThe Pqath Aead Tghe Paqth Aehad rhe Psth Ajead rThe Psath Ajhead Trhe Pasth Ahjead
Pwth Auead Te Pwath Auhead Teh Pawth Ahuead Tje Pxth Anead Tjhe Pxath Anhead Thje Paxth Ahnead Tue Patth Abead Tuhe Pah Abhead
Thue Paht Ahbead Tne Pafh Agead Tnhe Pafth Aghead Thne Patfh Ahgead Tbe Pa5h Ayead Tbhe Pa5th Ayhead Thbe Pat5h Ahyead Tge Pahh Aheead
Pahth Ahad Thge Pathh Ahaed Tye Payh Ahsad Payth Ahsead Thye Patyh Ahesad Thee Pa6h Ah3ad Th Pa6th Ah3ead The Pat6h Ahe3ad
Ths Pagh Ahfad

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