Oscar Hammerstein
I Whistle A Happy Tune (reprise)


Whenever I feel afraid
I hold my head erect
And whistle a happy tune
So no one will suspect
I'm afraid.

While shivering in my shoes
I strike a careless pose
And whistle a happy tune
And no one ever knows
I'm afraid.

Mirror lyrics:

I'm afraid.
And no one ever knows
And whistle a happy tune
I strike a careless pose
While shivering in my shoes

I'm afraid.
So no one will suspect
And whistle a happy tune
I hold my head erect
Whenever I feel afraid


Relevant Tags:
II WWhistle AA HHappy TTune ((reprise) histle appy une reprise) I hWistle A aHppy uTne r(eprise) j ahistle z jappy fune (rreprise) jI aWhistle zA jHappy fTune (eprise)
Ij Wahistle Az Hjappy Tfune (erprise) 9 3histle q uappy 5une (deprise) 9I 3Whistle qA uHappy 5Tune (dreprise) I9 W3histle Aq Huappy T5une (rdeprise) l dhistle s nappy hune (4eprise)
lI dWhistle sA nHappy hTune (4reprise) Il Wdhistle As Hnappy Thune (r4eprise) o ehistle w bappy yune (geprise) oI eWhistle wA bHappy yTune (greprise) Io Wehistle Aw Hbappy Tyune (rgeprise)
k shistle x gappy 6une (teprise) kI sWhistle xA gHappy 6Tune (treprise) Ik Wshistle Ax Hgappy T6une (rteprise) 8 2histle yappy gune (5eprise) 8I 2Whistle yHappy gTune (5reprise)
I8 W2histle Hyappy Tgune (r5eprise) u qhistle Haappy rune (feprise) uI qWhistle Hppy rTune (freprise) Iu Wqhistle Hpapy Trune (rfeprise) Whhistle Hzppy Tuune (eeprise)
Wistle Hzappy Tne (ereprise) Wihstle Hazppy Tnue (reeprise) Wjistle Hqppy Thne Wjhistle Hqappy (rprise) Whjistle Haqppy Tuhne (rperise)
Wuistle Hsppy T7ne (rsprise) Wuhistle Hsappy T7une (rseprise) Whuistle Hasppy Tu7ne (resprise) Wnistle Hwppy Tkne (r3prise) Wnhistle Hwappy Tkune (r3eprise)
Whnistle Hawppy Tukne (re3prise) Wbistle Hxppy Tine (rfprise) Wbhistle Hxappy Tiune Whbistle Haxppy Tuine (refprise) Wgistle Happpy T8ne (rrprise)
Wghistle Hapy T8une Whgistle Happy Tu8ne (rerprise) Wyistle Ha0py Tjne (r4prise) Wyhistle Ha0ppy Tjune Whyistle Hap0py Tujne (re4prise)
Whiistle Halpy Tyne (rdprise) Whstle Halppy Whsitle Haplpy Tuyne (redprise) Whjstle Haopy Tunne (rwprise) Haoppy Tue (rweprise)
Whijstle Hapopy Tuen (rewprise) Wh9stle Tume (repprise) Wh9istle Tumne (rerise) Whi9stle Hapyp Tunme (rerpise) Whlstle Hap0y Tuhe (re0rise)
Whlistle (re0prise) Whilstle Happ0y Tunhe (rep0rise) Whostle Haply Tuje (relrise) Whoistle (relprise) Whiostle Happly Tunje (replrise)
Whkstle Hapoy Tube (reorise) Whkistle Tubne (reoprise) Whikstle Happoy Tunbe (reporise) Wh8stle Happyy Tunee (reprrise) Wh8istle Happ Tun (repise)
Whi8stle Tune (repirse) Whustle Happg Tuns (repdise) Happgy Tunse (repdrise) Whiustle Happyg Tunes (reprdise) Whisstle Happh Tun3 (rep4ise)
Whitle Happhy Tun3e (rep4rise) Whitsle Happyh Tune3 (repr4ise) Whiztle Happ6 Tunf (repgise) Whizstle Happ6y Tunfe (repgrise) Whisztle Happy6 Tunef (reprgise)

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