All Over The World

Lead Worshipper: Matt Redman

Verse 1
Even as the world began the stars they sang
And all the angels shouted for joy, shouted for joy
Looking back through history Your peeople they have always had
A song they must sing, a song they must sing

We are the people of God
We'll sing Your song
Here on the earth

All over the world Your song will resound
All over the world
Your praies ring out
We're living to see Your name and renown
All over the world

Verse 2
Young and old, near and far there's a place for every heart
To join in Your song join in Your song
Every nation, tribe and tongue, come together join as one
Give glory to God, glory to God

Great is Your name and great will be Your song
Great is Your name and great will be Your song
We lift up our hands and pray
We lift up our hands and pray
For holy is Your name

Mirror lyrics:

For holy is Your name
We lift up our hands and pray
We lift up our hands and pray
Great is Your name and great will be Your song
Great is Your name and great will be Your song

Give glory to God, glory to God
Every nation, tribe and tongue, come together join as one
To join in Your song join in Your song
Young and old, near and far there's a place for every heart
Verse 2

All over the world
We're living to see Your name and renown
Your praies ring out
All over the world
All over the world Your song will resound

Here on the earth
We'll sing Your song
We are the people of God

A song they must sing, a song they must sing
Looking back through history Your peeople they have always had
And all the angels shouted for joy, shouted for joy
Even as the world began the stars they sang
Verse 1

Lead Worshipper: Matt Redman

Relevant Tags:
AAll OOver TThe WWorld ll ver he orld lAl vOer hTe oWrld zll kver fhe aorld zAll kOver fThe aWorld Azll Okver Tfhe Waorld
qll 9ver 5he 3orld qAll 9Over 5The 3World Aqll O9ver T5he W3orld sll 0ver hhe dorld sAll 0Over hThe dWorld Asll O0ver Thhe Wdorld
wll lver yhe eorld wAll lOver yThe eWorld Awll Olver Tyhe Weorld xll iver 6he sorld xAll iOver 6The sWorld Axll Oiver T6he Wsorld
Alll Ovver ghe 2orld Al Oer gThe 2World All Oevr Tghe W2orld Akl Ober rhe qorld Akll Obver rThe qWorld Alkl Ovber Trhe Wqorld
Aol Ocer Woorld Aoll Ocver Te Wrld Alol Ovcer Teh Wrold Apl Oger Tje Wkrld Apll Ogver Tjhe Wkorld Alpl Ovger Thje Wokrld
Ofer Tue W9rld Ofver Tuhe W9orld Ovfer Thue Wo9rld Alk Oveer Tne W0rld Ovr Tnhe W0orld Allk Ovre Thne Wo0rld
Alo Ovsr Tbe Wlrld Ovser Tbhe Wlorld Allo Ovesr Thbe Wolrld Alp Ov3r Tge Wirld Ov3er Wiorld Allp Ove3r Thge Woirld
Ovfr Tye Worrld Wold Ovefr Thye Wolrd Ovrr Thee Wodld Ovrer Th Wodrld Overr The Wordld
Ov4r Ths Wo4ld Ov4er Thse Wo4rld

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