Eyes Of My Mind

Cut through the silence
I'm shaking
I'm ready but I'm still waiting
Everything is coming back around
I'm praying
I'm lying
Like I've never done anything else

Emptiness is all I find
When I.....
See through the eyes of my mind

I can't tell you anything
About the early hours
I'm sober now
Don't ask me how
Used to have endless day

Mirror lyrics:

Used to have endless day
Don't ask me how
I'm sober now
About the early hours
I can't tell you anything

See through the eyes of my mind
When I.....
Emptiness is all I find

Like I've never done anything else
I'm lying
I'm praying
Everything is coming back around
I'm ready but I'm still waiting
I'm shaking
Cut through the silence

Relevant Tags:
EEyes OOf MMy MMind yes f y ind yEes fO yM iMnd syes kf jy jind sEyes kOf jMy jMind Esyes Okf Mjy Mjind 3yes 9f ky kind
3Eyes 9Of kMy kMind E3yes O9f Mky Mkind fyes 0f ny nind fEyes 0Of nMy nMind Efyes O0f Mny Mnind ryes lf Myy Miind rEyes lOf M Mnd
Eryes Olf My Mnid 4yes if Mg Mjnd 4Eyes iOf Mgy E4yes Oif Myg Mijnd dyes Off Mh M9nd dEyes O Mhy M9ind Edyes Of Myh Mi9nd
wyes Oc M6 Mlnd wEyes Ocf M6y Mlind Ewyes Ofc My6 Milnd Eyyes Or Mu Mond Ees Orf Muy Moind Eeys Ofr Myu Miond Eges Og M7 Mknd
Egyes Ogf M7y Eyges Ofg My7 Miknd Ehes Ot Mj M8nd Ehyes Otf M8ind Eyhes Oft Myj Mi8nd E6es Ov Mt Mund E6yes Ovf Mty Muind
Ey6es Ofv Myt Miund Eues Od Minnd Euyes Odf Mid Eyues Ofd Midn E7es Mimd E7yes Mimnd Ey7es Minmd
Ejes Mihd Ejyes Mihnd Eyjes Minhd

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