Angels Crossing

Knowing it isn't safe but I can't walk
I'm just waiting for me
I'm watching but I can't see this world and life
how it's lived
My inmost feelings fusing in me
and without a shell they're running out somewhere
making my soul bare

Don't watch don't speak I'm learning to live
I see I'm incomplete
Like a newborn I'm preening my feathers still wet
outside it feels so frightening
And in my ear a cruising breeze
it sounds unsafe maybe it takes me there
blowing me over

(When) I am here and you are near
on the darkest road along this stream
I have to go this time
I know you were the angel crossing

Here without my shelter I'm nothing at all
but still I'm trying to take it
I'm watching as the others go on living their lives
I wonder how they make it
And if it rains I know I will break
And if someone says a word I can't take
I will fall into pieces

When I am near and you are here
Thru' the darkest I borrow you near
And after all the time has gone
we were the angels crossing

Just as I was to dare I stumble and fall
But I'm trying to walk thru' the fear in me
feeling the angels crossing

(When) I am here and you are near
on the darkest road along this stream
I have to go this time
I know we were the angels crossing

When I am near and you are here
Thru' the darkest I borrow you near
And after all the time has gone
we'll be the angels crossing

Mirror lyrics:

we'll be the angels crossing
And after all the time has gone
Thru' the darkest I borrow you near
When I am near and you are here

I know we were the angels crossing
I have to go this time
on the darkest road along this stream
(When) I am here and you are near

feeling the angels crossing
But I'm trying to walk thru' the fear in me
Just as I was to dare I stumble and fall

we were the angels crossing
And after all the time has gone
Thru' the darkest I borrow you near
When I am near and you are here

I will fall into pieces
And if someone says a word I can't take
And if it rains I know I will break
I wonder how they make it
I'm watching as the others go on living their lives
but still I'm trying to take it
Here without my shelter I'm nothing at all

I know you were the angel crossing
I have to go this time
on the darkest road along this stream
(When) I am here and you are near

blowing me over
it sounds unsafe maybe it takes me there
And in my ear a cruising breeze
outside it feels so frightening
Like a newborn I'm preening my feathers still wet
I see I'm incomplete
Don't watch don't speak I'm learning to live

making my soul bare
and without a shell they're running out somewhere
My inmost feelings fusing in me
how it's lived
I'm watching but I can't see this world and life
I'm just waiting for me
Knowing it isn't safe but I can't walk

Relevant Tags:
AAngels CCrossing ngels rossing nAgels rCossing zngels frossing zAngels fCrossing Azngels Cfrossing qngels xrossing
qAngels xCrossing Aqngels Cxrossing sngels vrossing sAngels vCrossing Asngels Cvrossing wngels drossing wAngels dCrossing
Awngels Cdrossing xngels Crrossing xAngels Cossing Axngels Corssing Anngels Cdossing Agels Agnels Crdossing
Amgels C4ossing Amngels C4rossing Anmgels Cr4ossing Ahgels Cgossing Ahngels Cgrossing Anhgels Crgossing Ajgels Ctossing
Ajngels Ctrossing Anjgels Crtossing Abgels C5ossing Abngels C5rossing Anbgels Cr5ossing Anggels Cfossing Anels
Anegls Crfossing Anhels Ceossing Cerossing Anghels Creossing Anyels Croossing Anygels Crssing Angyels Crsosing
Anbels Crkssing Crkossing Angbels Crokssing Anvels Cr9ssing Anvgels Cr9ossing Angvels Cro9ssing Anfels Cr0ssing
Anfgels Cr0ossing Angfels Cro0ssing Antels Crlssing Antgels Crlossing Angtels Crolssing Angeels Crissing Angls Criossing
Angles Croissing Angsls Crosssing Angsels Crosing Angesls Crossing Ang3ls Crozsing Ang3els Crozssing Ange3ls Croszsing
Angfls Crowsing Crowssing Angefls Croswsing Angrls Crodsing Angrels Crodssing Angerls Crosdsing Ang4ls Croesing
Ang4els Croessing Ange4ls Crosesing Angdls Croxsing

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