Passion Play

I'm stumbling my way
I'm doing every day
the same old things
I have to do
to keep me sane
to keep me sane

I'm missing every day
I'm missing my own way
But I don't dare to stop myself
Oh I don't dare
Oh I don't dare
Oh I don't dare

Silently you've been watching me so close
You know I can't go on
You've seen it all
But there's nothing you can do
but keep on holding on

I have no strength to try
though I know the reason why
But what is real and what's unreal
Oh I don't know
Oh I don't know

I'm losing days and nights
I'm losing whole my life
But these old things they keep me here
They keep me here
They keep me here
They keep me here

I'm destroying you just to keep myself alive
My God how far I can go
I'm so lost
but I cannot face the truth
I just keep on moving on

Oh I know I can't go on
And I know what is wrong

Silently watching me
Gradually losing me

In too deep
It's so real
Help me please
keep me here

Mirror lyrics:

keep me here
Help me please
It's so real
In too deep

Gradually losing me
Silently watching me

And I know what is wrong
Oh I know I can't go on

I just keep on moving on
but I cannot face the truth
I'm so lost
My God how far I can go
I'm destroying you just to keep myself alive

They keep me here
They keep me here
They keep me here
But these old things they keep me here
I'm losing whole my life
I'm losing days and nights

Oh I don't know
Oh I don't know
But what is real and what's unreal
though I know the reason why
I have no strength to try

but keep on holding on
But there's nothing you can do
You've seen it all
You know I can't go on
Silently you've been watching me so close

Oh I don't dare
Oh I don't dare
Oh I don't dare
But I don't dare to stop myself
I'm missing my own way
I'm missing every day

to keep me sane
to keep me sane
I have to do
the same old things
I'm doing every day
I'm stumbling my way

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Pqssion Poay Pqassion Paqssion Ploay Psssion Ppay Psassion Pplay Passsion Plpay Pwssion Plaay Pwassion Ply Pawssion Plya
Pxssion Plzy Pxassion Plzay Paxssion Plazy Plqy Pasion Plqay Passion Plaqy Pazsion Plsy Plsay Paszsion Plasy
Pawsion Plwy Plway Paswsion Plawy Padsion Plxy Padssion Plxay Pasdsion Plaxy Paesion Playy Paession Pla Pasesion Play
Paxsion Plag Plagy Pasxsion Playg Paasion Plah Plahy Pasasion Playh Pla6 Pla6y Pasison Play6
Paszion Plau

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