Passion Worship Band
Solid Rock (on Christ The Solid Rock)

And my hope is built on nothing less

Than Jesus' blood and righteousness

And I dare not trust the sweetest frame

But wholly lean on Jesus' name

On Christ the solid rock I stand

All other ground is sinking sand

And all other ground is sinking sand

When darkness seems to hide His face

I rest on His unchanging grace

In every high and stormy gale

My anchor holds within the veil

On Christ the solid rock I stand

All other ground is sinking sand

And all other ground is sinking sand, yeah

His oath, His covenant, His blood

Support me in the whelming flood

When all around my soul gives way

He then is all my hope and stay

On Christ the solid rock I stand

All other ground is sinking sand

And all other ground is sinking sand, yeah

When He shall come with trumpet sound

Oh, may I then in Him be found

Dressed in His righteousness alone

Faultless to stand before the throne

Faultless to stand before the throne

Faultless to stand before the throne


He loves, He loves, He loves

Yeah, He loves

[Incomprehensible] Jesus

Yeah, Jesus

On Christ the solid rock I stand

All other ground is sinking sand

And all other ground is sinking sand

Mirror lyrics:

And all other ground is sinking sand

All other ground is sinking sand

On Christ the solid rock I stand

Yeah, Jesus

[Incomprehensible] Jesus

Yeah, He loves

He loves, He loves, He loves


Faultless to stand before the throne

Faultless to stand before the throne

Faultless to stand before the throne

Dressed in His righteousness alone

Oh, may I then in Him be found

When He shall come with trumpet sound

And all other ground is sinking sand, yeah

All other ground is sinking sand

On Christ the solid rock I stand

He then is all my hope and stay

When all around my soul gives way

Support me in the whelming flood

His oath, His covenant, His blood

And all other ground is sinking sand, yeah

All other ground is sinking sand

On Christ the solid rock I stand

My anchor holds within the veil

In every high and stormy gale

I rest on His unchanging grace

When darkness seems to hide His face

And all other ground is sinking sand

All other ground is sinking sand

On Christ the solid rock I stand

But wholly lean on Jesus' name

And I dare not trust the sweetest frame

Than Jesus' blood and righteousness

And my hope is built on nothing less

Relevant Tags:
SSolid RRock ((on CChrist TThe SSolid RRock) olid ock on hrist he olid ock) oSlid oRck o(n hCrist hTe oSlid oRck)
zolid dock (oon fhrist fhe zolid dock) zSolid dRock (n fChrist fThe zSolid dRock) Szolid Rdock (no Cfhrist Tfhe Szolid Rdock)
wolid 4ock (kn xhrist 5he wolid 4ock) wSolid 4Rock (kon xChrist 5The wSolid 4Rock) Swolid R4ock (okn Cxhrist T5he Swolid R4ock)
dolid gock (9n vhrist hhe dolid gock) dSolid gRock (9on vChrist hThe dSolid gRock) Sdolid Rgock (o9n Cvhrist Thhe Sdolid Rgock)
eolid tock (0n dhrist yhe eolid tock) eSolid tRock (0on dChrist yThe eSolid tRock) Seolid Rtock (o0n Cdhrist Tyhe Seolid Rtock)
xolid 5ock (ln Chhrist 6he xolid 5ock) xSolid 5Rock (lon Crist 6The xSolid 5Rock) Sxolid R5ock (oln Crhist T6he Sxolid R5ock)
aolid fock (in Cjrist ghe aolid fock) aSolid fRock (ion Cjhrist gThe aSolid fRock) Saolid Rfock (oin Chjrist Tghe Saolid Rfock)
Soolid eock (onn Curist rhe Soolid eock) Slid eRock (o Cuhrist rThe Slid eRock) Sloid Reock (on Churist Trhe Sloid Reock)
Sklid Roock (om Cnrist Sklid Roock) Skolid Rck (omn Cnhrist Te Skolid Rck) Soklid Rcok (onm Chnrist Teh Soklid Rcok)
S9lid Rkck (oh Cbrist Tje S9lid Rkck) S9olid Rkock (ohn Cbhrist Tjhe S9olid Rkock) So9lid Rokck (onh Chbrist Thje So9lid Rokck)
S0lid R9ck (oj Cgrist Tue S0lid R9ck) S0olid R9ock (ojn Cghrist Tuhe S0olid R9ock) So0lid Ro9ck (onj Chgrist Thue So0lid Ro9ck)
Sllid R0ck (ob Cyrist Tne Sllid R0ck) Slolid R0ock (obn Cyhrist Tnhe Slolid R0ock) Sollid Ro0ck (onb Chyrist Thne Sollid Ro0ck)
Silid Rlck Chrrist Tbe Silid Rlck) Siolid Rlock Chist Tbhe Siolid Rlock) Soilid Rolck Chirst Thbe Soilid Rolck)
Rick Chdist Tge Rick) Soid Riock Chdrist Soid Riock) Soild Roick Chrdist Thge Soild Roick)
Sokid Rocck Ch4ist Tye Sokid Rocck) Rok Ch4rist Rok) Solkid Rokc Chr4ist Thye Solkid Rokc)
Sooid Rofk Chgist Thee Sooid Rofk) Rofck Th Rofck) Soloid Rocfk Chrgist The Soloid Rocfk)
Sopid Roxk Chtist Ths Sopid Roxk) Soplid Roxck Chtrist Thse Soplid Roxck) Solpid Rocxk Chrtist Thes Solpid Rocxk)
Soliid Rovk Ch5ist Th3 Soliid Rovk) Sold Rovck Ch5rist Th3e Sold Rovck) Soldi Rocvk Chr5ist The3 Soldi Rocvk)
Soljd Rodk Chfist Thf Soljd Rodk) Soljid Rodck Chfrist Thfe Soljid Rodck) Solijd Rocdk Chrfist Thef Solijd Rocdk)
Sol9d Rockk Cheist Thr Sol9d Rockk) Sol9id Roc Cherist Thre Sol9id Roc) Soli9d Rock Chreist Ther Soli9d Roc)k
Solld Rocl Chriist Th4 Solld Rocl) Roclk Chrst Th4e Roclk) Solild Rockl Chrsit The4 Solild Rockl)
Solod Roco Chrjst Thd Solod Roco)

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