Opus Iii
When You Made The Mountain

la la la la la, la la la la la

the centuries
going back to zero
say i'm a fool
and every man a hero
i am the future
i am the coming force
mother nature
will take no other course

somewhere to climb up upon
somewhere to look down at you from
when you made the mountain
you made me
when you made the mountain
you made me

when you made the mountain you made me

somewhere to climb up upon
somewhere to look down at you from
when you made the mountain
you made me
when you made the mountain
you made me

when you made the mountain you made me

Mirror lyrics:

when you made the mountain you made me

you made me
when you made the mountain
you made me
when you made the mountain
somewhere to look down at you from
somewhere to climb up upon

when you made the mountain you made me

you made me
when you made the mountain
you made me
when you made the mountain
somewhere to look down at you from
somewhere to climb up upon

will take no other course
mother nature
i am the coming force
i am the future
and every man a hero
say i'm a fool
going back to zero
the centuries

la la la la la, la la la la la

Relevant Tags:
WWhen YYou MMade TThe MMountain hen ou ade he ountain hWen oYu aMde hTe oMuntain ahen gou jade fhe jountain aWhen gYou jMade fThe jMountain
Wahen Ygou Mjade Tfhe Mjountain 3hen hou kade 5he kountain 3When hYou kMade 5The kMountain W3hen Yhou Mkade T5he Mkountain dhen 6ou nade hhe nountain
dWhen 6You nMade hThe nMountain Wdhen Y6ou Mnade Thhe Mnountain ehen uou Maade yhe Moountain eWhen uYou Mde yThe Muntain Wehen Yuou Mdae Tyhe Muontain
shen 7ou Mzde 6he Mkuntain sWhen 7You Mzade 6The Wshen Y7ou Mazde T6he Mokuntain 2hen jou Mqde ghe M9untain 2When jYou Mqade gThe M9ountain
W2hen Yjou Maqde Tghe Mo9untain qhen tou Msde rhe M0untain qWhen tYou Msade rThe M0ountain Wqhen Ytou Masde Trhe Mo0untain Whhen Yoou Mwde Mluntain
Wen Yu Mwade Te Mlountain Wehn Yuo Mawde Teh Moluntain Wjen Yku Mxde Tje Miuntain Wjhen Ykou Mxade Tjhe Miountain Whjen Yoku Maxde Thje Moiuntain
Wuen Y9u Madde Tue Mouuntain Wuhen Y9ou Mae Tuhe Montain Whuen Yo9u Maed Thue Monutain Wnen Y0u Maxe Tne Mohntain Wnhen Y0ou Tnhe Mohuntain
Whnen Yo0u Madxe Thne Mouhntain Wben Ylu Maee Tbe Mo7ntain Wbhen Ylou Maede Tbhe Mo7untain Whben Yolu Madee Thbe Mou7ntain Wgen Yiu Mafe Tge Mokntain
Wghen Yiou Mafde Whgen Yoiu Madfe Thge Moukntain Wyen Youu Mare Tye Mointain Wyhen Yo Marde Whyen You Madre Thye Mouintain
Wheen Yoh Mace Thee Mo8ntain Whn Yohu Macde Th Mo8untain Whne Youh Madce The Mou8ntain Whsn Yo7 Mase Ths Mojntain Whsen Yo7u Thse Mojuntain
Whesn You7 Madse Thes Moujntain Wh3n Yok Th3 Moyntain Wh3en Mad Th3e Moyuntain Whe3n Youk Made The3 Mouyntain Whfn Yoi Mads Thf Mounntain
Whfen Thfe Moutain Whefn Youi Mades Thef Moutnain Whrn Yo8 Mad3 Thr Moumtain Whren Yo8u Mad3e Thre Moumntain Whern You8 Made3 Ther Mounmtain
Wh4n Yoj Madf Th4 Mouhtain Wh4en Yoju Th4e Whe4n Youj Madef The4 Mounhtain Whdn Yoy Madr Thd Moujtain Whden Yoyu Thde
Whedn Youy Mader Thed Mounjtain Whwn Mad4 Thw Moubtain Whwen Mad4e Thwe Moubntain Whewn Made4 Thew Mounbtain Whenn Madd Mounttain
Whe Mounain When Maded Mounatin

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