Patti Smith
Citizen Ship

I was nothing. It didn't matter to me.
Ah, there were tags all over my sleeve.
There was water outside the windows
and children in the streets with rats with tags.

Ain't got a passport.
Ain't got my real name.
Ain't got a chance, sport, at fortune and fame.
And I walk these endless streets, won't you give me a lift.
A lift. A lift. On your citizen ship.

They were rioting in Chicago, movement in L.A.
Sixty-eight it broke up the yardbirds.
We were broke as well.
Took it underground, M.C. borderline, up against the wall.
The wall. The wall.
Show your papers, boy.

Citizen ship we got mem'ries.
Stateless, they got shame.
Cast adrift from the citizen ship,
lifeline denied, exiled this castaway.

Blind alley in New York City, in a foreign embrace.
If you're hungry you're not too particular about what you'll taste.
Men in uniform gave me vinegar, spoon of misery.
But what the hell, I fell, I fell.
It doesn't matter to me.

Citizen ship we got mem'ries
Citizen ship, we got pain.
Cast adrift from the citizen ship,
lifeline denied, exiled this castaway.

I was caught like a moth with its wings outta sync.
Cut the chord. Overboard. Just a refugee.
Lady liberty, lend a hand to me, I've been cast adrift.
Adrift. Adrift. Adrift. Adrift. Adrift. Adrift.

On the citizen ship we got mem'ries
Citizen ship, we got pain.
Lose your grip on the citizen ship,
you're cast, you're cast away.
On the citizen ship you got mem'ry.
Citizen ship you got pain.
Citizen ship you got identity.
A name. A name. A name. . .

What's your name, son?
What's your name? . . .
What's your name?

Nothing. I got nothing.
Give me your tired, your poor
Give me your huddled masses
your wartorn
Give me your wartorn and your
Lift up your unto me.
Ah, mythology.

Mirror lyrics:

Ah, mythology.
Lift up your unto me.
Give me your wartorn and your
your wartorn
Give me your huddled masses
Give me your tired, your poor
Nothing. I got nothing.

What's your name?
What's your name? . . .
What's your name, son?

A name. A name. A name. . .
Citizen ship you got identity.
Citizen ship you got pain.
On the citizen ship you got mem'ry.
you're cast, you're cast away.
Lose your grip on the citizen ship,
Citizen ship, we got pain.
On the citizen ship we got mem'ries

Adrift. Adrift. Adrift. Adrift. Adrift. Adrift.
Lady liberty, lend a hand to me, I've been cast adrift.
Cut the chord. Overboard. Just a refugee.
I was caught like a moth with its wings outta sync.

lifeline denied, exiled this castaway.
Cast adrift from the citizen ship,
Citizen ship, we got pain.
Citizen ship we got mem'ries

It doesn't matter to me.
But what the hell, I fell, I fell.
Men in uniform gave me vinegar, spoon of misery.
If you're hungry you're not too particular about what you'll taste.
Blind alley in New York City, in a foreign embrace.

lifeline denied, exiled this castaway.
Cast adrift from the citizen ship,
Stateless, they got shame.
Citizen ship we got mem'ries.

Show your papers, boy.
The wall. The wall.
Took it underground, M.C. borderline, up against the wall.
We were broke as well.
Sixty-eight it broke up the yardbirds.
They were rioting in Chicago, movement in L.A.

A lift. A lift. On your citizen ship.
And I walk these endless streets, won't you give me a lift.
Ain't got a chance, sport, at fortune and fame.
Ain't got my real name.
Ain't got a passport.

and children in the streets with rats with tags.
There was water outside the windows
Ah, there were tags all over my sleeve.
I was nothing. It didn't matter to me.

Relevant Tags:
CCitizen SShip itizen hip iCtizen hSip fitizen zhip fCitizen zShip Cfitizen Szhip xitizen whip xCitizen wShip Cxitizen Swhip
vitizen dhip vCitizen dShip Cvitizen Sdhip ditizen ehip dCitizen eShip Cditizen Sehip Ciitizen xhip Ctizen xShip Ctiizen Sxhip
Cjtizen ahip Cjitizen aShip Cijtizen Sahip C9tizen Shhip C9itizen Sip Ci9tizen Sihp Cltizen Sjip Clitizen Sjhip Ciltizen Shjip
Cotizen Suip Coitizen Suhip Ciotizen Shuip Cktizen Snip Ckitizen Snhip Ciktizen Shnip C8tizen Sbip C8itizen Sbhip Ci8tizen Shbip
Cutizen Sgip Cuitizen Sghip Ciutizen Shgip Cittizen Syip Ciizen Syhip Ciitzen Shyip Cifizen Shiip Ciftizen Shp Citfizen Shpi
Ci5izen Shjp Ci5tizen Cit5izen Shijp Cihizen Sh9p Cihtizen Sh9ip Cithizen Shi9p Ciyizen Shlp Ciytizen Shlip Cityizen Shilp
Ci6izen Shop Ci6tizen Shoip Cit6izen Shiop Cigizen Shkp Cigtizen Shkip Citgizen Shikp Cirizen Sh8p Cirtizen Sh8ip Citrizen Shi8p
Citiizen Shup Citzen Citzien Shiup Citjzen Shipp Citjizen Shi Citijzen Ship

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