Patti Rothberg
This One's Mine

Well, I know that I got to leave you, lover

But I don't see how I can

You say you wanna make me happy

Go and find yourself another man

The first time that you told me this

You know my heart was about to crack

But I was givin' some guy just a little kiss

And that's when you wanted me back

No thanks to you I'm doing fine

Everybody has their day and this one's mine

People come around and tell me

Baby, 'bout the way you won't be true

But I never loved you anyway

So the last laugh is on you, ha

Couldn't keep me on the sidelines honey

While you played the field no more and

The thing that you never realized

Is it was me who was keepin' score

You lost the game right down the line

Everybody has their day and this one's mine

You can beg and you can plead

And get down upon your knees

I could say that you were a dirty dog

But that's an insult to the fleas

I've given you about 10 second chances

And ya blew it about eleven

Now I don't ever wanna see your face

Right here 'less you ever make it to heaven

Somehow I know you're not that divine

Everybody has their day and this one's mine

Mirror lyrics:

Everybody has their day and this one's mine

Somehow I know you're not that divine

Right here 'less you ever make it to heaven

Now I don't ever wanna see your face

And ya blew it about eleven

I've given you about 10 second chances

But that's an insult to the fleas

I could say that you were a dirty dog

And get down upon your knees

You can beg and you can plead

Everybody has their day and this one's mine

You lost the game right down the line

Is it was me who was keepin' score

The thing that you never realized

While you played the field no more and

Couldn't keep me on the sidelines honey

So the last laugh is on you, ha

But I never loved you anyway

Baby, 'bout the way you won't be true

People come around and tell me

Everybody has their day and this one's mine

No thanks to you I'm doing fine

And that's when you wanted me back

But I was givin' some guy just a little kiss

You know my heart was about to crack

The first time that you told me this

Go and find yourself another man

You say you wanna make me happy

But I don't see how I can

Well, I know that I got to leave you, lover

Relevant Tags:
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5This 9One's kMine T5his O9ne's Mkine hhis 0ne's nine hThis 0One's nMine Thhis O0ne's Mnine yhis lne's Miine yThis lOne's Mne
Tyhis Olne's Mnie 6his ine's Mjne 6This iOne's T6his Oine's Mijne ghis Onne's M9ne gThis Oe's M9ine Tghis Oen's Mi9ne
rhis Ome's Mlne rThis Omne's Mline Trhis Onme's Milne Ohe's Mone Tis Ohne's Moine Tihs Onhe's Mione Tjis Oje's Mkne
Tjhis Ojne's Thjis Onje's Mikne Tuis Obe's M8ne Tuhis Obne's M8ine Thuis Onbe's Mi8ne Tnis Onee's Mune Tnhis On's Muine
Thnis On'es Miune Tbis Ons's Minne Tbhis Onse's Mie Thbis Ones's Mien Tgis On3's Mime On3e's Mimne Thgis One3's Minme
Tyis Onf's Mihe

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