Patti Labelle
You Are My Solid Ground

When you're lying tenderly beside me,
And I feel your breath so soft against my cheek,
All my fears just disappear in darkness,
And I know for sure,
I could never leave,
You are the strength that I've found to see,
You life me up when I'm down-loving me,
When I never thought,
That I'd feel my heart come around,
You are my solid ground,
I don' t need a fairy tale to save me,
I've got all the magic I need in your arms,
And I won't even fly away in madness,
I'll stay close enough to always feel your warmth,
You are the strength that I've found to see,
You lifted me up when I'm down-loving me,
When I never thought that I'd feel my heart come around,
You are my solid ground,
I' in love with you,
You're everything faithful and true,
I know I could touch every star,
When you're lifting me and I'm right there where you are,
You are the strength, that I've found to see,
You life me up when I'm down...loving me,
When I never thought, that I'd feel my heart come around,
You are my solid ground, you are my solid ground.

Mirror lyrics:

You are my solid ground, you are my solid ground.
When I never thought, that I'd feel my heart come around,
You life me up when I'm down...loving me,
You are the strength, that I've found to see,
When you're lifting me and I'm right there where you are,
I know I could touch every star,
You're everything faithful and true,
I' in love with you,
You are my solid ground,
When I never thought that I'd feel my heart come around,
You lifted me up when I'm down-loving me,
You are the strength that I've found to see,
I'll stay close enough to always feel your warmth,
And I won't even fly away in madness,
I've got all the magic I need in your arms,
I don' t need a fairy tale to save me,
You are my solid ground,
That I'd feel my heart come around,
When I never thought,
You life me up when I'm down-loving me,
You are the strength that I've found to see,
I could never leave,
And I know for sure,
All my fears just disappear in darkness,
And I feel your breath so soft against my cheek,
When you're lying tenderly beside me,

Relevant Tags:
YYou AAre MMy SSolid GGround ou re y olid round oYu rAe yM oSlid rGound gou zre jy zolid hround gYou zAre jMy zSolid hGround Ygou Azre Mjy Szolid Ghround
hou qre ky wolid yround hYou qAre kMy wSolid yGround Yhou Aqre Mky Swolid Gyround 6ou sre ny dolid bround 6You sAre nMy dSolid bGround Y6ou Asre Mny Sdolid Gbround
uou wre Myy eolid vround uYou wAre M eSolid vGround Yuou Awre My Seolid Gvround 7ou xre Mg xolid fround 7You xAre Mgy xSolid fGround Y7ou Axre Myg Sxolid Gfround
jou Arre Mh aolid tround jYou Ae Mhy aSolid tGround Yjou Aer Myh Saolid Gtround tou Ade M6 Soolid Grround tYou Adre M6y Slid Gound Ytou Arde My6 Sloid Gorund
Yoou A4e Mu Sklid Gdound Yu A4re Muy Skolid Gdround Yuo Ar4e Myu Soklid Grdound Yku Age M7 S9lid G4ound Ykou Agre M7y S9olid G4round Yoku Arge My7 So9lid Gr4ound
Y9u Ate Mj S0lid Ggound Y9ou Atre S0olid Gground Yo9u Arte Myj So0lid Grgound Y0u A5e Mt Sllid Gtound Y0ou A5re Mty Slolid Yo0u Ar5e Myt Sollid Grtound
Ylu Afe Silid G5ound Ylou Afre Siolid G5round Yolu Arfe Soilid Gr5ound Yiu Aee Gfound Yiou Aere Soid Yoiu Aree Soild Grfound
Youu Sokid Geound Yo Ar Geround You Are Solkid Greound Yoh Ars Sooid Groound Yohu Arse Grund Youh Ares Soloid Gruond
Yo7 Ar3 Sopid Grkund Yo7u Ar3e Soplid Grkound You7 Are3 Solpid Grokund Yok Arf Soliid Gr9und Sold Gr9ound Youk Aref Soldi Gro9und
Yoi Arr Soljd Gr0und Soljid Gr0ound Youi Arer Solijd Gro0und Yo8 Ar4 Sol9d Grlund Yo8u Sol9id Grlound

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