Patti Page
Another Time Another Place

Another time, another place
We'll be together again
This kiss, this same embrace
Will be more wonderful then

Though goodbye is a sad time
Be glad we had time
To fall in love
I need my love with you

When shadows grow, I'll miss the glow
That only you can provide
But then, I'll just pretend
You're still here at my side

Now give me once more that kiss I adore
Then I'll let you go
But we'll meet another time
Another place, I know

We'll meet again
But now give me once more that kiss I adore
Then I'll let you go just for now
But we'll meet another time
Another place, I know
Another place

Mirror lyrics:

Another place
Another place, I know
But we'll meet another time
Then I'll let you go just for now
But now give me once more that kiss I adore
We'll meet again

Another place, I know
But we'll meet another time
Then I'll let you go
Now give me once more that kiss I adore

You're still here at my side
But then, I'll just pretend
That only you can provide
When shadows grow, I'll miss the glow

I need my love with you
To fall in love
Be glad we had time
Though goodbye is a sad time

Will be more wonderful then
This kiss, this same embrace
We'll be together again
Another time, another place

Relevant Tags:
AAnother TTime AAnother PPlace nother ime nother lace nAother iTme nAother lPace znother fime znother 0lace zAnother fTime zAnother 0Place
Aznother Tfime Aznother P0lace qnother 5ime qnother llace qAnother 5Time qAnother lPlace Aqnother T5ime Aqnother Pllace snother hime snother olace
sAnother hTime sAnother oPlace Asnother Thime Asnother Polace wnother yime wnother wAnother yTime wAnother Pace Awnother Tyime Awnother Palce
xnother 6ime xnother Pkace xAnother 6Time xAnother Pklace Axnother T6ime Axnother Plkace Annother gime Annother Poace Aother gTime Aother
Aonther Tgime Aonther Ploace Amother rime Amother Ppace Amnother rTime Amnother Pplace Anmother Trime Anmother Plpace Ahother Tiime Ahother Plaace
Ahnother Tme Ahnother Plce Anhother Tmie Anhother Plcae Ajother Tjme Ajother Plzce Ajnother Tjime Ajnother Plzace Anjother Tijme Anjother Plazce
Abother T9me Abother Plqce Abnother T9ime Abnother Plqace Anbother Ti9me Anbother Plaqce Anoother Tlme Anoother Plsce Anther Tlime Anther Plsace
Antoher Tilme Antoher Plasce Ankther Tome Ankther Plwce Ankother Toime Ankother Plwace Anokther Tiome Anokther Plawce An9ther Tkme An9ther Plxce
An9other Tkime An9other Plxace Ano9ther Tikme Ano9ther Plaxce An0ther T8me An0ther Placce An0other T8ime An0other Plae Ano0ther Ti8me Ano0ther Plaec
Anlther Tume Anlther Plafe Anlother Tuime Anlother Plafce Anolther Tiume Anolther Placfe Anither Timme Anither Plaxe Aniother Tie Aniother
Anoither Tiem Anoither Placxe Anotther Tije Anotther Plave Anoher Anoher Plavce Anohter Timje Anohter Placve Anofher Tike Anofher Plade
Anofther Anofther Pladce Anotfher Timke Anotfher Placde Ano5her Tine Ano5her Placee Ano5ther Tinme Ano5ther Plac Anot5her Timne Anot5her Place
Anohher Timee Anohher Placs Anohther Tim Anohther Placse Anothher Time Anothher Places Anoyher Tims Anoyher Plac3 Anoyther Timse Anoyther Plac3e
Anotyher Times Anotyher Place3 Ano6her Tim3 Ano6her Placf Ano6ther Tim3e Ano6ther

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