Patti Labelle
This Word Is All

My life has meaning now since you came
I've been changed in so many ways
You've turned my heart around nothing can bring me down
I'm feeling free and my life's a song

There's no other way to describe
What it is that your kiss does to me
You give good love to me, satisfy all my needs
You make me feel so alive

This word is all, I have to say
I love you in every way
(This word is all)
All that I have and all I can't hold back
With a feeling like that

When you are gone and this feeling comes on
I'm content all alone till you come back home
You are the one for me, I'd give you anything
Just to keep you satisfied

You shared with me so unselfishly
And I'll never take you for granted your heart, oh no
You are the peace of mind that seemed so hard to find
I'll never want to let you go

This word is all, I have to say
I love you in every way
(This word is all)
All that I have and I'll never let go
'Cause I'm loving you so

I've been in love before
And you know I really thought that I had it all
'Til I met you and then I knew
I never had the meaning of love 'til I found you, baby baby
'Til I found you, you, you

This word is all, I have to say
I love you in every way
(This word is all)
All that I have and there's no holding back
With this feeling I've, I've got a feeling, oh

This word is all, just hold me, you know me
(This word is all)
And all that I need is you baby
(This word is all)
This word is all

I don't know what to say, baby
(This word is all)
I never knew what I'd miss, baby, oh
(This word is all)
I love you, oh I want to say
(This word is all)
I love you, oh oh, this word is all, oh oh oh, oh

Mirror lyrics:

I love you, oh oh, this word is all, oh oh oh, oh
(This word is all)
I love you, oh I want to say
(This word is all)
I never knew what I'd miss, baby, oh
(This word is all)
I don't know what to say, baby

This word is all
(This word is all)
And all that I need is you baby
(This word is all)
This word is all, just hold me, you know me

With this feeling I've, I've got a feeling, oh
All that I have and there's no holding back
(This word is all)
I love you in every way
This word is all, I have to say

'Til I found you, you, you
I never had the meaning of love 'til I found you, baby baby
'Til I met you and then I knew
And you know I really thought that I had it all
I've been in love before

'Cause I'm loving you so
All that I have and I'll never let go
(This word is all)
I love you in every way
This word is all, I have to say

I'll never want to let you go
You are the peace of mind that seemed so hard to find
And I'll never take you for granted your heart, oh no
You shared with me so unselfishly

Just to keep you satisfied
You are the one for me, I'd give you anything
I'm content all alone till you come back home
When you are gone and this feeling comes on

With a feeling like that
All that I have and all I can't hold back
(This word is all)
I love you in every way
This word is all, I have to say

You make me feel so alive
You give good love to me, satisfy all my needs
What it is that your kiss does to me
There's no other way to describe

I'm feeling free and my life's a song
You've turned my heart around nothing can bring me down
I've been changed in so many ways
My life has meaning now since you came

Relevant Tags:
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5This 3Word 9Is qAll T5his W3ord I9s Aqll hhis dord ls sll hThis dWord lIs sAll Thhis Wdord Ils Asll yhis eord os wll yThis eWord oIs wAll
Tyhis Weord Ios Awll 6his sord ks xll 6This sWord kIs xAll T6his Wsord Iks Axll ghis 2ord 8s Alll gThis 2Word 8Is Al Tghis W2ord I8s All
rhis qord us Akl rThis qWord uIs Akll Trhis Wqord Ius Alkl Woord Iss Aol Tis Wrd I Aoll Tihs Wrod Is Alol Tjis Wkrd Iz Apl
Tjhis Wkord Izs Apll Thjis Wokrd Isz Alpl Tuis W9rd Iw Tuhis W9ord Iws Thuis Wo9rd Isw Tnis W0rd Id Alk Tnhis W0ord Ids
Thnis Wo0rd Isd Allk Tbis Wlrd Ie Alo Tbhis Wlord Ies Thbis Wolrd Ise Allo Tgis Wird Ix Alp Wiord Ixs Thgis Woird Isx Allp
Tyis Worrd Ia

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