Patsy Cline
When I Get Thru With You (you'll Love Me Too)

You think you love Sue
But when I get through with you
You won't ever look at Sue, again.

I'm gonna be so good to you
I'm gonna love you my whole life through
Pretty soon, you'll feel the same
You won't even know her name.

I'll give you kisses that she can't beat
I'll treat you so nice and sweet
When I get through with you
You'll love me true, not Sue.
When I get through with you
You'll love me true.

I'm gonna treat you so sweet and kind
I'll drive her right out of your mind
And you won't know her if you meet
Walk right by her on the street.

Because I want you and need you so
Poor Suzy, will have to go
When I get through with you
You'll love me true, not Sue.
When I get through with you
You'll love me true.

--- Instrumental ---

I'm gonna be so good to you
I'll love you my whole life through
Pretty soon, you'll feel the same
You won't even know her name.

I'll give you kisses that she can't beat
I'll treat you so nice and sweet
When I get through with you
You'll love me true, not Sue.

When I get through with you
You'll love me true, not Sue.

When I get through with you
You'll love me true, not Sue.

When I get through with you
You'll love me true...

Mirror lyrics:

You'll love me true...
When I get through with you

You'll love me true, not Sue.
When I get through with you

You'll love me true, not Sue.
When I get through with you

You'll love me true, not Sue.
When I get through with you
I'll treat you so nice and sweet
I'll give you kisses that she can't beat

You won't even know her name.
Pretty soon, you'll feel the same
I'll love you my whole life through
I'm gonna be so good to you

--- Instrumental ---

You'll love me true.
When I get through with you
You'll love me true, not Sue.
When I get through with you
Poor Suzy, will have to go
Because I want you and need you so

Walk right by her on the street.
And you won't know her if you meet
I'll drive her right out of your mind
I'm gonna treat you so sweet and kind

You'll love me true.
When I get through with you
You'll love me true, not Sue.
When I get through with you
I'll treat you so nice and sweet
I'll give you kisses that she can't beat

You won't even know her name.
Pretty soon, you'll feel the same
I'm gonna love you my whole life through
I'm gonna be so good to you

You won't ever look at Sue, again.
But when I get through with you
You think you love Sue

Relevant Tags:
WWhen II GGet TThru WWith YYou ((you'll LLove MMe TToo) hen et hru ith ou you'll ove e oo) hWen I eGt hTru iWth oYu y(ou'll oLve eM oTo)
ahen j het fhru aith gou (yyou'll kove je foo) aWhen jI hGet fThru aWith gYou (ou'll kLove jMe fToo) Wahen Ij Ghet Tfhru Waith Ygou (oyu'll Lkove Mje Tfoo)
3hen 9 yet 5hru 3ith hou (gou'll oove ke 5oo) 3When 9I yGet 5Thru 3With hYou (gyou'll oLove kMe 5Too) W3hen I9 Gyet T5hru W3ith Yhou (ygou'll Loove Mke T5oo)
dhen l bet hhru dith 6ou (hou'll pove ne hoo) dWhen lI bGet hThru dWith 6You (hyou'll pLove nMe hToo) Wdhen Il Gbet Thhru Wdith Y6ou (yhou'll Lpove Mne Thoo)
ehen o vet yhru eith uou (6ou'll Mee yoo) eWhen oI vGet yThru eWith uYou (6you'll Lve M yToo) Wehen Io Gvet Tyhru Weith Yuou (y6ou'll Lvoe Me Tyoo)
shen k fet 6hru sith 7ou (uou'll Lkve Ms 6oo) sWhen kI fGet 6Thru sWith 7You (uyou'll Mse 6Too) Wshen Ik Gfet T6hru Wsith Y7ou (yuou'll Lokve Mes T6oo)
2hen 8 tet ghru 2ith jou (7ou'll L9ve M3 goo) 2When 8I tGet gThru 2With jYou (7you'll L9ove M3e gToo) W2hen I8 Gtet Tghru W2ith Yjou (y7ou'll Lo9ve Me3 Tgoo)
qhen u Geet rhru qith tou (jou'll L0ve Mf roo) qWhen uI Gt rThru qWith tYou (jyou'll L0ove Mfe rToo) Wqhen Iu Gte Trhru Wqith Ytou (yjou'll Lo0ve Mef Troo)
Whhen Gst Wiith Yoou (tou'll Llve Mr Tooo) Wen Gset Tru Wth Yu (tyou'll Llove Mre To) Wehn Gest Trhu Wtih Yuo (ytou'll Lolve Mer Too)
Wjen G3t Tjru Wjth Yku (yoou'll Live M4 Tko) Wjhen G3et Tjhru Wjith Ykou (yu'll Liove M4e Tkoo) Whjen Ge3t Thjru Wijth Yoku (yuo'll Loive Me4 Toko)
Wuen Gft Turu W9th Y9u (yku'll Lovve Md T9o) Wuhen Tuhru W9ith Y9ou (ykou'll Loe Mde T9oo) Whuen Geft Thuru Wi9th Yo9u (yoku'll Loev Med To9o)
Wnen Grt Tnru Wlth Y0u (y9u'll Lobe Mw T0o) Wnhen Gret Tnhru Wlith Y0ou (y9ou'll Lobve Mwe T0oo) Whnen Gert Thnru Wilth Yo0u (yo9u'll Lovbe Mew To0o)
Wben G4t Tbru Woth Ylu (y0u'll Loce Tlo) Wbhen G4et Tbhru Woith Ylou (y0ou'll Locve Tloo) Whben Ge4t Thbru Wioth Yolu (yo0u'll Lovce Tolo)
Wgen Gdt Tgru Wkth Yiu (ylu'll Loge Tio) Wghen Gdet Wkith Yiou (ylou'll Logve Tioo) Whgen Gedt Thgru Wikth Yoiu (yolu'll Lovge Toio)
Wyen Gwt Tyru W8th Youu (yiu'll Lofe Wyhen Gwet W8ith Yo (yiou'll Lofve Whyen Gewt Thyru Wi8th You (yoiu'll Lovfe To)o

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