Patty Griffin
Half A Person

Call me morbid, call me pale

I've spent six years on your trail

Six long years

On your trail

Call me morbid, call me pale

I've spent six years on your trail

Six full years of my life on your trail

And if you have five seconds to spare

Then I'll tell you the story of my life :

Sixteen, clumsy and shy

I went to London and I

I booked myself in at the Y ... W.C.A.

I said : "I like it here - can I stay ?

I like it here - can I stay ?

Do you have a vacancy

For a Back-scrubber?"

She was left behind, and sour

And she wrote to me, equally dour

She said : "In the days when you were

Hopelessly poor

I just liked you more..."

And if you have five seconds to spare

Then I'll tell you the story of my life :

Sixteen, clumsy and shy

I went to London and I

I booked myself in at the Y ... W.C.A.

I said : "I like it here - can I stay ?

I like it here - can I stay ?

And do you have a vacancy

For a Back-scrubber ?"

Call me morbid, call me pale

I've spent too long on your trail

Far too long

Chasing your tail

Oh ...

And if you have five seconds to spare

Then I'll tell you the story of my life :

Sixteen, clumsy and shy

That's the story of my life

Sixteen, clumsy and shy

The story of my life

That's the story of my life

That's the story of my life

That's the story of my life

The story of my life

That's the story of my life

That's the story of my life

That's the story of my life

That's the story of my life

That's the story of my life

That's the story ...

Mirror lyrics:

That's the story ...

That's the story of my life

That's the story of my life

That's the story of my life

That's the story of my life

That's the story of my life

The story of my life

That's the story of my life

That's the story of my life

That's the story of my life

The story of my life

Sixteen, clumsy and shy

That's the story of my life

Sixteen, clumsy and shy

Then I'll tell you the story of my life :

And if you have five seconds to spare

Oh ...

Chasing your tail

Far too long

I've spent too long on your trail

Call me morbid, call me pale

For a Back-scrubber ?"

And do you have a vacancy

I like it here - can I stay ?

I said : "I like it here - can I stay ?

I booked myself in at the Y ... W.C.A.

I went to London and I

Sixteen, clumsy and shy

Then I'll tell you the story of my life :

And if you have five seconds to spare

I just liked you more..."

Hopelessly poor

She said : "In the days when you were

And she wrote to me, equally dour

She was left behind, and sour

For a Back-scrubber?"

Do you have a vacancy

I like it here - can I stay ?

I said : "I like it here - can I stay ?

I booked myself in at the Y ... W.C.A.

I went to London and I

Sixteen, clumsy and shy

Then I'll tell you the story of my life :

And if you have five seconds to spare

Six full years of my life on your trail

I've spent six years on your trail

Call me morbid, call me pale

On your trail

Six long years

I've spent six years on your trail

Call me morbid, call me pale

Relevant Tags:
HHalf AA PPerson alf erson aHlf A ePrson jalf z 0erson jHalf zA 0Person Hjalf Az P0erson ualf q lerson uHalf qA lPerson Hualf Aq Plerson
nalf s oerson nHalf sA oPerson Hnalf As Poerson balf w Peerson bHalf wA Prson Hbalf Aw Preson galf x Psrson gHalf xA Pserson Hgalf Ax Pesrson
yalf P3rson yHalf P3erson Hyalf Pe3rson Haalf Pfrson Hlf Pferson Hlaf Pefrson Hzlf Prrson Hzalf Prerson Hazlf Perrson
Hqlf P4rson Hqalf P4erson Haqlf Pe4rson Hslf Pdrson Hsalf Pderson Haslf Pedrson Hwlf Pwrson Hwalf Pwerson Hawlf Pewrson
Hxlf Hxalf Peson Haxlf Pesron Hallf Pedson Haf Hafl Perdson Hakf Pe4son Haklf Halkf Per4son
Haof Pegson Haolf Pegrson Halof Pergson Hapf Petson Haplf Petrson Halpf Pertson Halff Pe5son Hal Pe5rson Half Per5son

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