Paul Colman Trio
Banquet Table

part 1)

Welcome my friends to the banquet table
All of my friends please gather round

So I took a look around to see who he invited here tonight
And I noticed she was one of those who sold her body to the night
And I saw the banquet host rise and hold this woman close
And I felt my anger burn how was she invited here tonight?

Notice me here (notice me here) at the banquet table
In my rightful place (in my rightful place)
This is my time (here I am)

And I saw a little man climbing on his chair so he was heard
And I noticed he was one who'd rob you blind for all that you were worth
And I saw the banquet host rise and fill his empty glass
Is there a single shred of justice at this table here tonight?

Lyrics and music: Paul Colman / Simeon Location: Cooma/Melbourne, Australia © Paul Colman / Simeon 1999

(part 2)

Music: Paul Colman / Grant Norsworthy Location: Melbourne, Australia © Paul Colman / Grant Norsworthy 1999

(part 3)

Welcome to the banquet table
All my friends, won't you please gather 'round
You've been invited to the banqueting table
So look around (repeat)

Welcome to the banquet table
All my friends, won't you please gather 'round
He said you're welcome at my banquet table
You're my friends if you've got love inside you're heart

No one's righteous no one's better
So take a look inside
Take a look inside
I took a look inside

And suddenly I felt my eyes pouring tears on me of liberty
And I realized I was one who needed love and setting free
My brother here my sister there
And the banquet host his empty chair
Forgiveness came and sweet relief
And then I saw why he invited me tonight

Please forgive me
Please forgive me

Mirror lyrics:

Please forgive me
Please forgive me

And then I saw why he invited me tonight
Forgiveness came and sweet relief
And the banquet host his empty chair
My brother here my sister there
And I realized I was one who needed love and setting free
And suddenly I felt my eyes pouring tears on me of liberty

I took a look inside
Take a look inside
So take a look inside
No one's righteous no one's better

You're my friends if you've got love inside you're heart
He said you're welcome at my banquet table
All my friends, won't you please gather 'round
Welcome to the banquet table

So look around (repeat)
You've been invited to the banqueting table
All my friends, won't you please gather 'round
Welcome to the banquet table

(part 3)

Music: Paul Colman / Grant Norsworthy Location: Melbourne, Australia © Paul Colman / Grant Norsworthy 1999

(part 2)

Lyrics and music: Paul Colman / Simeon Location: Cooma/Melbourne, Australia © Paul Colman / Simeon 1999

Is there a single shred of justice at this table here tonight?
And I saw the banquet host rise and fill his empty glass
And I noticed he was one who'd rob you blind for all that you were worth
And I saw a little man climbing on his chair so he was heard

This is my time (here I am)
In my rightful place (in my rightful place)
Notice me here (notice me here) at the banquet table

And I felt my anger burn how was she invited here tonight?
And I saw the banquet host rise and hold this woman close
And I noticed she was one of those who sold her body to the night
So I took a look around to see who he invited here tonight

All of my friends please gather round
Welcome my friends to the banquet table

part 1)

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Ban1uet Taboe Ban1quet Tabole Banq1uet Tabloe Banquuet Tabpe Banqet Tabple

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