One Way System
Waste Away

the kids in the street are coming down

there ain't no money left in this town

pounds for a gram is so unreal

if you can't get a scrip then you need to steal

all you kids you waste away

all you kids are gonna pay

all you kids will rot your brains

all you kids got yourselves to blame

i lost my job i was falling asleep

i was falling over walking down the street

i sold all my records for a months supply

and i've seen my doctor and i'm gonna die

i'm all alone with no more friends

the needles beat me in the end

out in the night with no one close

i'm out cold with an over-dose

Mirror lyrics:

i'm out cold with an over-dose

out in the night with no one close

the needles beat me in the end

i'm all alone with no more friends

and i've seen my doctor and i'm gonna die

i sold all my records for a months supply

i was falling over walking down the street

i lost my job i was falling asleep

all you kids got yourselves to blame

all you kids will rot your brains

all you kids are gonna pay

all you kids you waste away

if you can't get a scrip then you need to steal

pounds for a gram is so unreal

there ain't no money left in this town

the kids in the street are coming down

Relevant Tags:
WWaste AAway aste way aWste wAay aaste zway aWaste zAway Waaste Azway 3aste qway 3Waste qAway W3aste Aqway daste sway dWaste sAway
Wdaste Asway easte wway eWaste wAway Weaste Awway saste xway sWaste xAway Wsaste Axway 2aste 2Waste Aay W2aste Aawy qaste Aaay
qWaste Aaway Wqaste Awaay A3ay Wste A3way Wsate Aw3ay Wzste Aday Wzaste Adway Wazste Awday Wqste Aeay Aeway Waqste Aweay
Wsste Asay Wasste Awsay Wwste A2ay Wwaste A2way Wawste Aw2ay Wxste Aqay Wxaste Waxste Awqay Wate Awy Watse Awya Wazte Awzy
Awzay Waszte Awazy Wawte Awqy Waswte Awaqy

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