One Voice
Nobody Else

I don't want nobody else
`Cause it's so lonely without you
I won't waste your time anymore
I'm ready to love only you
I don't want nobody else
I'm only loving you more
You're constantly on my mind
Constantly, all the time
I'm totally, honestly, truly in love with you

I made a big mistake when I was untrue
Now I'm sitting all along
Wondering what am I gonna do
See I was naive, I know I was a fool
For taking you for granted
So please forgive me `cause now I'm missing you

I don't want nobody else
`Cause it's so lonely without you
I won't waste your time anymore
I'm ready to love only you
I don't want nobody else
I'm only loving you more
You're constantly on my mind
Constantly, all the time
I'm totally, honestly, truly in love with you

I know what I feel is mutual
So please tell me why you let a good thing go
Why me baby?
Please close your eyes and see
That what we had was so so for real
So please come back `cause now I'm missing you

I don't want nobody else
`Cause it's so lonely without you
I won't waste your time anymore
I'm ready to love only you
I don't want nobody else
I'm only loving you more
You're constantly on my mind
Constantly, all the time
I'm totally, honestly, truly in love with you

Baby, baby you might not believe when
I say my feelings haven't changed for you
But I don't believe you've lost what you had for me
See it might be my fault, but don't act that way, don't act that way
`Cause deep within you and I
You and I know in our hearts we were meant to be

Mirror lyrics:

You and I know in our hearts we were meant to be
`Cause deep within you and I
See it might be my fault, but don't act that way, don't act that way
But I don't believe you've lost what you had for me
I say my feelings haven't changed for you
Baby, baby you might not believe when

I'm totally, honestly, truly in love with you
Constantly, all the time
You're constantly on my mind
I'm only loving you more
I don't want nobody else
I'm ready to love only you
I won't waste your time anymore
`Cause it's so lonely without you
I don't want nobody else

So please come back `cause now I'm missing you
That what we had was so so for real
Please close your eyes and see
Why me baby?
So please tell me why you let a good thing go
I know what I feel is mutual

I'm totally, honestly, truly in love with you
Constantly, all the time
You're constantly on my mind
I'm only loving you more
I don't want nobody else
I'm ready to love only you
I won't waste your time anymore
`Cause it's so lonely without you
I don't want nobody else

So please forgive me `cause now I'm missing you
For taking you for granted
See I was naive, I know I was a fool
Wondering what am I gonna do
Now I'm sitting all along
I made a big mistake when I was untrue

I'm totally, honestly, truly in love with you
Constantly, all the time
You're constantly on my mind
I'm only loving you more
I don't want nobody else
I'm ready to love only you
I won't waste your time anymore
`Cause it's so lonely without you
I don't want nobody else

Relevant Tags:
NNobody EElse obody lse oNbody lEse mobody slse mNobody sElse Nmobody Eslse hobody 3lse hNobody 3Else Nhobody E3lse jobody flse
jNobody fElse Njobody Eflse bobody rlse bNobody rElse Nbobody Erlse Noobody 4lse Nbody 4Else Nboody E4lse Nkbody dlse Nkobody dElse
Nokbody Edlse N9body wlse N9obody wElse No9body Ewlse N0body Ellse N0obody Ese No0body Esle Nlbody Ekse Nlobody Eklse Nolbody Elkse
Nibody Eose Niobody Eolse Noibody Elose Nobbody Epse Noody Eplse Noobdy Elpse Novody Elsse Novbody Ele Nobvody Eles Nogody Elze
Nogbody Elzse Nobgody Elsze Nonody Elwe Nonbody Elwse Nobnody Elswe Nohody Elde Nohbody Eldse Nobhody Elsde Noboody Elee Nobdy Elese
Nobdoy Elsee Nobkdy Elxe Nobkody Elxse Nobokdy Elsxe Nob9dy Elae Nob9ody Elase

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