One Tree Hill
When The Stars Go Blue

Dancin' where the stars go blue
Dancin' where the evening fell
Dancin' in your wooden shoes
In a wedding gown

Dancin' out on 7th street
Dancin' through the underground
Dancin' little marionette
Are you happy now?

Where do you go when you're lonely
Where do you go when you're blue
Where do you go when you're lonely, I'll follow you
When the stars go blue

When the stars go blue

Laughing with your pretty mouth
(Laughing with your pretty mouth)
Laughing with your broken eyes
(Laughing with your broken eyes)
Laughing with your lover's tongue
In a lullaby, yeeeah

Where do you go when you're lonely
Where do you go when you're blue
Where do you go when you're lonely, I'll follow you
Yeah, yeah

Where do you go when you're lonely
Where do you go when you're blue
Where do you go when you're lonely, I'll follow you
Follow you (Follow you)
Yeeeah, yeah
When the stars go blue
When the stars go blue
When the stars go blue
When the stars go blue
Where do you go when you're lonely
Where do you go when the stars go blue?

Mirror lyrics:

Where do you go when the stars go blue?
Where do you go when you're lonely
When the stars go blue
When the stars go blue
When the stars go blue
When the stars go blue
Yeeeah, yeah
Follow you (Follow you)
Where do you go when you're lonely, I'll follow you
Where do you go when you're blue
Where do you go when you're lonely

Yeah, yeah
Where do you go when you're lonely, I'll follow you
Where do you go when you're blue
Where do you go when you're lonely

In a lullaby, yeeeah
Laughing with your lover's tongue
(Laughing with your broken eyes)
Laughing with your broken eyes
(Laughing with your pretty mouth)
Laughing with your pretty mouth

When the stars go blue

When the stars go blue
Where do you go when you're lonely, I'll follow you
Where do you go when you're blue
Where do you go when you're lonely

Are you happy now?
Dancin' little marionette
Dancin' through the underground
Dancin' out on 7th street

In a wedding gown
Dancin' in your wooden shoes
Dancin' where the evening fell
Dancin' where the stars go blue

Relevant Tags:
WWhen TThe SStars GGo BBlue hen he tars o lue hWen hTe tSars oG lBue ahen fhe ztars ho vlue aWhen fThe zStars hGo vBlue Wahen Tfhe Sztars Gho Bvlue
3hen 5he wtars yo glue 3When 5The wStars yGo gBlue W3hen T5he Swtars Gyo Bglue dhen hhe dtars bo nlue dWhen hThe dStars bGo nBlue Wdhen Thhe Sdtars Gbo Bnlue
ehen yhe etars vo hlue eWhen yThe eStars vGo hBlue Wehen Tyhe Setars Gvo Bhlue shen 6he xtars fo Bllue sWhen 6The xStars fGo Bue Wshen T6he Sxtars Gfo Bule
2hen ghe atars to Bkue 2When gThe aStars tGo Bklue W2hen Tghe Satars Gto Blkue qhen rhe Sttars Goo Boue qWhen rThe Sars G Bolue Wqhen Trhe Satrs Go Bloue
Whhen Sfars Gk Bpue Wen Te Sftars Gko Bplue Wehn Teh Stfars Gok Blpue Wjen Tje S5ars G9 Bluue Wjhen Tjhe S5tars G9o Ble Whjen Thje St5ars Go9 Bleu
Wuen Tue Shars G0 Blhe Wuhen Tuhe Shtars G0o Blhue Whuen Thue Sthars Go0 Bluhe Wnen Tne Syars Gl Bl7e Wnhen Tnhe Sytars Glo Bl7ue Whnen Thne Styars Gol Blu7e
Wben Tbe S6ars Gi Blke Wbhen Tbhe S6tars Gio Whben Thbe St6ars Goi Bluke Wgen Tge Sgars Blie Wghen Sgtars Bliue Whgen Thge Stgars Bluie
Wyen Tye Srars Bl8e Wyhen Srtars Bl8ue Whyen Thye Strars Blu8e Wheen Thee Staars Blje Whn Th Strs Bljue Whne The Stras Bluje
Whsn Ths Stzrs Blye Whsen Thse Stzars Blyue Whesn Thes Stazrs Bluye Wh3n Th3 Stqrs Bluee Wh3en Th3e Stqars Blu

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