One Tree Hill
The Man Who Told Everything

Get out of bed, pick up the phone
Time to tell the press
Say to myself, I can't do no-one else
There's a whole world outside

I'm gonna tell it all
I'm gonna sell it all
I'm gonna sell
Get out of bed
Come out and sing
Blue skies ahead
The man who told everything

And I feel, like I'm losing my head
I didn't mean to stay
Lives have been wrecked, and I've picked up my cheque
Catch a plane out of here

I'm gonna get out of here
I'm gonna get out of here
I'm gonna sell
Get out of bed
Come out and sing
Blue skies ahead
The man who told everything

Mirror lyrics:

The man who told everything
Blue skies ahead
Come out and sing
Get out of bed
I'm gonna sell
I'm gonna get out of here
I'm gonna get out of here

Catch a plane out of here
Lives have been wrecked, and I've picked up my cheque
I didn't mean to stay
And I feel, like I'm losing my head

The man who told everything
Blue skies ahead
Come out and sing
Get out of bed
I'm gonna sell
I'm gonna sell it all
I'm gonna tell it all

There's a whole world outside
Say to myself, I can't do no-one else
Time to tell the press
Get out of bed, pick up the phone

Relevant Tags:
TThe MMan WWho TTold EEverything he an ho old verything hTe aMn hWo oTld vEerything fhe jan aho fold sverything fThe jMan aWho fTold sEverything
Tfhe Mjan Waho Tfold Esverything 5he kan 3ho 5old 3verything 5The kMan 3Who 5Told 3Everything T5he Mkan W3ho T5old E3verything hhe nan dho hold fverything
hThe nMan dWho hTold fEverything Thhe Mnan Wdho Thold Efverything yhe Maan eho yold rverything yThe Mn eWho yTold rEverything Tyhe Mna Weho Tyold Erverything
6he Mzn sho 6old 4verything 6The Mzan sWho 6Told 4Everything T6he Mazn Wsho T6old E4verything ghe Mqn 2ho gold dverything gThe Mqan 2Who gTold dEverything
Tghe Maqn W2ho Tgold Edverything rhe Msn qho rold wverything rThe Msan qWho rTold wEverything Trhe Masn Wqho Trold Ewverything Mwn Whho Toold Evverything
Te Mwan Wo Tld Eerything Teh Mawn Woh Tlod Eevrything Tje Mxn Wjo Tkld Eberything Tjhe Mxan Wjho Tkold Ebverything Thje Maxn Whjo Tokld Evberything
Tue Mann Wuo T9ld Ecerything Tuhe Ma Wuho T9old Ecverything Thue Man Whuo To9ld Evcerything Tne Mam Wno T0ld Egerything Tnhe Mamn Wnho T0old Egverything
Thne Manm Whno To0ld Evgerything Tbe Mah Wbo Tlld Eferything Tbhe Mahn Wbho Tlold Thbe Manh Whbo Tolld Evferything Tge Maj Wgo Tild Eveerything
Majn Wgho Tiold Evrything Thge Manj Whgo Toild Evreything Tye Mab Wyo Evsrything Mabn Wyho Tod Evserything Thye Manb Whyo Todl Evesrything
Thee Whoo Tokd Ev3rything Th Wh Ev3erything The Who Tolkd Eve3rything Ths Whk Tood Evfrything Thse Whko
Thes Whok Tolod Evefrything Th3 Wh9 Topd Evrrything Th3e Wh9o Topld Evrerything The3 Who9 Tolpd Everrything Thf Wh0 Toldd Ev4rything
Thfe Wh0o Tol Ev4erything Thef Who0 Told Eve4rything Thr Whl Tolx Evdrything Thre Whlo Tolxd Evderything Ther Whol Toldx Evedrything
Th4 Whi Tole Evwrything Th4e Whio Toled Evwerything The4 Whoi Tolde Evewrything Thd Tolf Thde Tolfd Eveything
Thed Toldf Eveyrthing Thw Tolr Evedything Thwe Tolrd Thew Toldr Everdything Tolc Eve4ything
Tolcd Toldc Ever4ything Tols Evegything Tolsd Evegrything Tolds Evergything
Evetything Evetrything Evertything Eve5ything Eve5rything
Ever5ything Evefything Everfything Eveeything Evereything
Everyything Everthing Evertyhing Evergthing Everygthing
Everhthing Everhything Everyhthing Ever6thing

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