One Tree Hill
Oh Lately It's So Quiet

(Oh no) Oh lately it's so quiet in this place
You're not 'round every corner
(oh no) Oh lately it's so quiet in this place
So darlin' if your not here haunting me
Im wondering...

Whos house, are you haunting tonight?
Aw. Whose sheets you twist
Aw. Whose face you kiss
Whos house, are you haunting tonight?

(oh no) I dont think much about you anymore
You're not on every whisper, oh
(oh no) I dont think much about you
But if you're not lurking behind every curtain
Im wondering...

Whos house, are you haunting tonight?
Aw. Whose name you hiss
Aw. Whose clenching fists
Whos house, are you haunting tonight?

Now whos house, are you haunting tonight?
Aw. Who cant resist
Aw. Whose cryin'
Whos house, are you haunting tonight?
Aw. Whose name you hiss
Aw. Whose sheets you twist
Whos house, are you haunting tonight?

Mirror lyrics:

Whos house, are you haunting tonight?
Aw. Whose sheets you twist
Aw. Whose name you hiss
Whos house, are you haunting tonight?
Aw. Whose cryin'
Aw. Who cant resist
Now whos house, are you haunting tonight?

Whos house, are you haunting tonight?
Aw. Whose clenching fists
Aw. Whose name you hiss
Whos house, are you haunting tonight?

Im wondering...
But if you're not lurking behind every curtain
(oh no) I dont think much about you
You're not on every whisper, oh
(oh no) I dont think much about you anymore

Whos house, are you haunting tonight?
Aw. Whose face you kiss
Aw. Whose sheets you twist
Whos house, are you haunting tonight?

Im wondering...
So darlin' if your not here haunting me
(oh no) Oh lately it's so quiet in this place
You're not 'round every corner
(Oh no) Oh lately it's so quiet in this place

Relevant Tags:
OOh LLately IIt's SSo QQuiet h ately t's o uiet hO aLtely tI's oS uQiet kh kately jt's zo auiet kOh kLately jIt's zSo aQuiet Okh Lkately Ijt's Szo Qauiet
9h oately 9t's wo 2uiet 9Oh oLately 9It's wSo 2Quiet O9h Loately I9t's Swo Q2uiet 0h pately lt's do wuiet 0Oh pLately lIt's dSo wQuiet O0h Lpately Ilt's Sdo Qwuiet
lh Laately ot's eo suiet lOh Ltely oIt's eSo sQuiet Olh Ltaely Iot's Seo Qsuiet ih Lztely kt's xo 1uiet iOh Lzately kIt's xSo 1Quiet Oih Laztely Ikt's Sxo Q1uiet
Ohh Lqtely 8t's ao Quuiet O Lqately 8It's aSo Qiet Oh Laqtely I8t's Sao Qiuet Oj Lstely ut's Soo Qhiet Ojh Lsately uIt's S Qhuiet Ohj Lastely Iut's So Quhiet
Ou Lwtely Itt's Sk Q7iet Ouh Lwately I's Sko Q7uiet Ohu Lawtely I'ts Sok Qu7iet On Lxtely If's S9 Qkiet Onh Lxately Ift's S9o Qkuiet Ohn Laxtely Itf's So9 Qukiet
Ob Lattely I5's S0 Qiiet Obh Laely I5t's S0o Qiuiet Ohb Laetly It5's So0 Quiiet Og Lafely Ih's Sl Q8iet Ogh Laftely Iht's Slo Q8uiet Ohg Latfely Ith's Sol Qu8iet
Oy La5ely Iy's Si Qjiet Oyh La5tely Iyt's Sio Qjuiet Ohy Lat5ely Ity's Soi Qujiet Lahely I6's Qyiet Lahtely I6t's Qyuiet Lathely It6's Quyiet
Layely Ig's Laytely Igt's Quet Latyely Itg's Queit La6ely Ir's Qujet La6tely Irt's Lat6ely Itr's Quijet
Lagely It''s Qu9et Lagtely Its Qu9iet Latgely Its' Qui9et Larely It'ss Qulet Lartely It' Quliet Latrely It's Quilet
Lateely It'z Quoet Latly It'zs Quoiet

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