One Tree Hill
The Good Kind €␜ The Wreckers

'Do you wanna run away together?'
I would say it was your best line ever
Too bad I fell for it

And I walked along
Waiting for you to come along
Take my tortured heart by the hand
And write me off

Do you know I cry?
Do you know I die?
Do you know I cry?
And it's not the good kind

Oh you forced to become strong
And I just cried, being weak
And you think you know
And I would like to think so
But do you know that when you go
I fall apart

Do you know I cry?
Do you know I die?
Do you know I cry?
And it's not the good kind
No, you not the good kind

I'm tired of hiding behind these lying eyes
I'm tired of this smile that even I don't recognize

Do you know I cry? (Do you know I cry)
Do you know I die? (Do you know I die)
Do you know I cry? (Do you know I cry)
And it's not the good kind

Do you know I cry? (Do you know I cry)
Do you know I die? (Do you know I die)
Do you know I cry? (Do you know I cry)
And it's not the good kind

Do you know I cry? (Do you know I cry)
Do you know I die? (Do you know I die)
Do you know I cry? (Do you know I cry)
And it's not the good kind
No, you're not the good kind

Do you know I cry?

Mirror lyrics:

Do you know I cry?

No, you're not the good kind
And it's not the good kind
Do you know I cry? (Do you know I cry)
Do you know I die? (Do you know I die)
Do you know I cry? (Do you know I cry)

And it's not the good kind
Do you know I cry? (Do you know I cry)
Do you know I die? (Do you know I die)
Do you know I cry? (Do you know I cry)

And it's not the good kind
Do you know I cry? (Do you know I cry)
Do you know I die? (Do you know I die)
Do you know I cry? (Do you know I cry)

I'm tired of this smile that even I don't recognize
I'm tired of hiding behind these lying eyes

No, you not the good kind
And it's not the good kind
Do you know I cry?
Do you know I die?
Do you know I cry?

I fall apart
But do you know that when you go
And I would like to think so
And you think you know
And I just cried, being weak
Oh you forced to become strong

And it's not the good kind
Do you know I cry?
Do you know I die?
Do you know I cry?

And write me off
Take my tortured heart by the hand
Waiting for you to come along
And I walked along

Too bad I fell for it
I would say it was your best line ever
'Do you wanna run away together?'

Relevant Tags:
TThe GGood KKind €␜ TThe WWreckers he ood ind €␜ he reckers hTe oGod iKnd €␜ hTe rWeckers fhe hood lind 㢢€␜ fhe areckers fThe hGood lKind €␜ fThe aWreckers
Tfhe Ghood Klind ⢂␜ Tfhe Wareckers 5he yood oind €␜ 5he 3reckers 5The yGood oKind 㢂␜ 5The 3Wreckers T5he Gyood Koind 㢂␜ T5he W3reckers hhe bood mind ₂␜ hhe dreckers
hThe bGood mKind ␜ hThe dWreckers Thhe Gbood Kmind ⬂␜ Thhe Wdreckers yhe vood jind €␜ yhe ereckers yThe vGood jKind ␜ yThe eWreckers Tyhe Gvood Kjind ⬐ Tyhe Wereckers
6he food iind €␜ 6he sreckers 6The fGood iKind € 6The sWreckers T6he Gfood Kiind € T6he Wsreckers ghe tood €␐ ghe 2reckers gThe tGood Knd € gThe 2Wreckers
Tghe Gtood Knid €✐ Tghe W2reckers rhe Goood Kjnd €␜ rhe qreckers rThe God € rThe qWreckers Trhe Good Kijnd €␜ Trhe Wqreckers Gkod K9nd Wrreckers
Te Gkood K9ind Te Weckers Teh Gokod Ki9nd Teh Werckers Tje G9od Klnd Tje Wdeckers Tjhe G9ood Tjhe Thje Go9od Kilnd Thje Wrdeckers
Tue G0od Kond Tue W4eckers Tuhe G0ood Tuhe W4reckers Thue Go0od Kiond Thue Wr4eckers Tne Glod Kknd Tne Wgeckers Tnhe Glood Kkind Tnhe Wgreckers
Thne Golod Kiknd Thne Wrgeckers Tbe Giod K8nd Tbe Wteckers Tbhe Giood K8ind Tbhe Wtreckers Thbe Goiod Ki8nd Thbe Wrteckers Tge Kund Tge W5eckers
Kuind W5reckers Thge Godo Kiund Thge Wr5eckers Tye Gokd Kinnd Tye Wfeckers Kid Wfreckers Thye Gookd Kidn Thye Wrfeckers
Thee Go9d Kimd Thee Weeckers Th Kimnd Th The Goo9d Kinmd The Wreeckers Ths Go0d Kihd Ths Thse Kihnd Thse Wrckers
Thes Goo0d Kinhd Thes Wrcekers Th3 Gold Kijd Th3 Wrsckers Th3e Th3e Wrseckers The3 Goold Kinjd The3 Wresckers Thf Goid Kibd Thf Wr3ckers
Thfe Kibnd Thfe Wr3eckers Thef Gooid Kinbd Thef Wre3ckers Thr Goodd Kindd Thr Wrfckers Thre Goo Kin Thre Ther Kind Ther Wrefckers
Th4 Goox Kinx Th4 Wrrckers Th4e Gooxd Kinxd Th4e The4 Goodx Kindx The4 Wrerckers Thd Gooe Kine Thd Wr4ckers Thde Gooed Kined Thde
Thed Goode Kinde Thed Wre4ckers Thw Goof Kinf Thw Wrdckers Thwe Goofd Kinfd Thwe Thew Goodf Kindf Thew Wredckers Goor Kinr Wrwckers
Goord Kinrd Wrweckers Goodr Kindr Wrewckers Gooc Kinc Wrecckers Goocd Kincd Wrekers Goodc Kindc Wrekcers
Goos Kins Wrefkers Goosd Kinsd Goods Kinds Wrecfkers Wrexkers

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