One Tree Hill
I Don't Want To Be [theme Version]

I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I have peace of mind
I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me

Mirror lyrics:

I don't want to be anything other than me
Or who I'm supposed to be
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta do
All I have to do is think of me and I have peace of mind
I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I have peace of mind
I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately

Relevant Tags:
II DDon't WWant TTo BBe [[theme VVersion] on't ant o e theme ersion] I oDn't aWnt oT eB t[heme eVrsion] j xon't aant fo ve [ttheme bersion] jI xDon't aWant fTo vBe [heme bVersion]
Ij Dxon't Waant Tfo Bve [hteme Vbersion] 9 eon't 3ant 5o ge [fheme cersion] 9I eDon't 3Want 5To gBe [ftheme cVersion] I9 Deon't W3ant T5o Bge [tfheme Vcersion] l fon't dant ho ne [5heme gersion]
lI fDon't dWant hTo nBe [5theme gVersion] Il Dfon't Wdant Tho Bne [t5heme Vgersion] o ron't eant yo he [hheme fersion] oI rDon't eWant yTo hBe [htheme fVersion] Io Dron't Weant Tyo Bhe [thheme Vfersion]
k con't sant 6o Bee [yheme Veersion] kI cDon't sWant 6To B [ytheme Vrsion] Ik Dcon't Wsant T6o Be [tyheme Vresion] 8 son't 2ant go Bs [6heme Vsrsion] 8I sDon't 2Want gTo Bse [6theme Vsersion]
I8 Dson't W2ant Tgo Bes [t6heme Vesrsion] u Doon't qant ro B3 [gheme V3rsion] uI Dn't qWant rTo B3e [gtheme V3ersion] Iu Dno't Wqant Tro Be3 [tgheme Ve3rsion] Dkn't Too Bf [rheme Vfrsion]
Dkon't Wnt T Bfe [rtheme Dokn't Wnat To Bef [trheme Vefrsion] D9n't Wznt Tk Br Vrrsion] D9on't Wzant Tko Bre [teme Vrersion] Do9n't Waznt Tok Ber [tehme Verrsion]
D0n't Wqnt T9 B4 [tjeme V4rsion] D0on't T9o B4e [tjheme V4ersion] Do0n't Waqnt To9 Be4 [thjeme Ve4rsion] Dln't Wsnt T0 Bd [tueme Vdrsion] Dlon't T0o Bde [tuheme Vdersion]
Doln't Wasnt To0 Bed [thueme Vedrsion] Din't Wwnt Tl Bw [tneme Vwrsion] Dion't Wwant Tlo Bwe [tnheme Vwersion] Doin't Wawnt Tol Bew [thneme Vewrsion] Donn't Wxnt Ti [tbeme
Do't Wxant Tio [tbheme Vesion] Do'nt Waxnt Toi [thbeme Vesrion] Dom't Wannt [tgeme Vedsion] Domn't Wat Donm't Watn [thgeme Verdsion]
Doh't Wamt [tyeme Ve4sion] Dohn't Wamnt Donh't Wanmt [thyeme Ver4sion] Doj't Waht [theeme Vegsion] Dojn't Wahnt [thme Vegrsion]
Donj't Wanht [thmee Vergsion] Dob't Wajt [thsme Vetsion] Dobn't Wajnt [thseme Vetrsion] Donb't Wanjt [thesme Vertsion] Don''t Wabt [th3me Ve5sion]
Dont Wabnt [th3eme Ve5rsion] Dont' Wanbt [the3me Ver5sion] Don'tt Wantt [thfme Vefsion] Don' Wan [thfeme Don't Want [thefme Verfsion]
Don'f Wanf [thrme Veesion] Don'ft Wanft [threme Don'tf Wantf [therme Veresion] Don'5 Wan5 [th4me Verssion] Don'5t Wan5t [th4eme Verion]
Don't5 Want5 [the4me Verison]

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