Holding Cell

So you want to breathe comfort, eyes wide open

I forgotten, you come alive

Celebrate your arms wide open

Hands are broken silent for tonight

Say, Heaven should know

If you say, Heaven should know

Holding all that you have chosen

I have spoken for what's right

Circle though your hands are broken

I'll surrender for one night

Say, Heaven should know

If you say, Heaven should know

Say, so long, wish I could come home

Feel like the world has been pushing me

Ignore what you feel deep inside

I'll hold your breath until you cry

Silence, so long, wish I could let go

My arms have held too long to know

Inside so weak, hold on one more day

Believe you would reach down

And say, Heaven should know

If you say, Heaven should know


Mirror lyrics:


If you say, Heaven should know

And say, Heaven should know

Believe you would reach down

Inside so weak, hold on one more day

My arms have held too long to know

Silence, so long, wish I could let go

I'll hold your breath until you cry

Ignore what you feel deep inside

Feel like the world has been pushing me

Say, so long, wish I could come home

If you say, Heaven should know

Say, Heaven should know

I'll surrender for one night

Circle though your hands are broken

I have spoken for what's right

Holding all that you have chosen

If you say, Heaven should know

Say, Heaven should know

Hands are broken silent for tonight

Celebrate your arms wide open

I forgotten, you come alive

So you want to breathe comfort, eyes wide open

Relevant Tags:
HHolding CCell olding ell oHlding eCll jolding fell jHolding fCell Hjolding Cfell uolding xell uHolding xCell Huolding Cxell
nolding vell nHolding vCell Hnolding Cvell bolding dell bHolding dCell Hbolding Cdell golding Ceell gHolding Cll Hgolding Clel
yolding Csll yHolding Csell Hyolding Cesll Hoolding C3ll Hlding C3ell Hloding Ce3ll Hklding Cfll Hkolding Hoklding Cefll
H9lding Crll H9olding Crell Ho9lding Cerll H0lding C4ll H0olding C4ell Ho0lding Ce4ll Hllding Cdll Hlolding Hollding Cedll
Hilding Cwll Hiolding Cwell Hoilding Cewll Celll Hoding Cel Hodling Cell Hokding Cekl Cekll Holkding Celkl
Hooding Ceol Ceoll Holoding Celol Hopding Cepl Hoplding Cepll Holpding Celpl Holdding Holing Holidng
Holxing Celk Holxding Holdxing Cellk Holeing Celo Holeding Holdeing Cello Holfing Celp Holfding Holdfing Cellp

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