Everybody Loves Me

Hail Caesar shadow on my backseat
And her friends are standing right in front of me
World wide from the center burning turkey
Open up, said everybody loves me

And you don't have to make a sound
'Cause they got what you need
Oh, oh, oh, oh

Gotta love all the people that have warned you
Gotta love all your sentimental virtue
Eight balls with the takers that'll make you
Lay cards with the lovers that'll hate you

'Cause you don't have to make a sound
They got what you need, what you need
Like you say

Oh my, feels just like I don't try
Looks so good I might die
All I know is everybody loves me

Get down, swaying to my own sound
Flashes in my face now
All I know is everybody loves me
Everybody loves me

Well I, play the music, don't stop till I turn gray
Stars forever like John Sousa never fade
He had a beautiful child, named her Desiree
Hope I'll remember the good things that I'll never say

'Cause you don't have to make a sound
They got what you need
Like you say

Oh my, feels just like I don't try
Looks so good I might die
All I know is everybody loves me

Get down, swaying to my own sound
Flashes in my face now
All I know is everybody loves me
Everybody loves me

Everybody, oh

Don't need my health
Got my name and got my wealth
I stare at the sun
Just for kicks all by myself

I lose track of time
So I might be past my prime
But I'm feeling, oh so good

Oh my, feels just like I don't try
Looks so good I might die
All I know is everybody loves me

Get down, swaying to my own sound
Flashes in my face now
All I know is everybody loves me
Everybody loves me

Don't you know you wanna?
Whoa, yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Whoa, yeah
Don't you know you wanna?

Everybody loves me
All I know is everybody loves me
Flashes in my face now
Get down, swaying to my own sound

All I know is everybody loves me
Looks so good I might die
Oh my, feels just like I don't try

But I'm feeling, oh so good
So I might be past my prime
I lose track of time

Just for kicks all by myself
I stare at the sun
Got my name and got my wealth
Don't need my health

Everybody, oh

Everybody loves me
All I know is everybody loves me
Flashes in my face now
Get down, swaying to my own sound

All I know is everybody loves me
Looks so good I might die
Oh my, feels just like I don't try

Like you say
They got what you need
'Cause you don't have to make a sound

Hope I'll remember the good things that I'll never say
He had a beautiful child, named her Desiree
Stars forever like John Sousa never fade
Well I, play the music, don't stop till I turn gray

Everybody loves me
All I know is everybody loves me
Flashes in my face now
Get down, swaying to my own sound

All I know is everybody loves me
Looks so good I might die
Oh my, feels just like I don't try

Like you say
They got what you need, what you need
'Cause you don't have to make a sound

Lay cards with the lovers that'll hate you
Eight balls with the takers that'll make you
Gotta love all your sentimental virtue
Gotta love all the people that have warned you

Oh, oh, oh, oh
'Cause they got what you need
And you don't have to make a sound

Open up, said everybody loves me
World wide from the center burning turkey
And her friends are standing right in front of me
Hail Caesar shadow on my backseat

Relevant Tags:
EEverybody LLoves MMe verybody oves e vEerybody oLves eM sverybody koves je sEverybody kLoves jMe Esverybody Lkoves Mje
3verybody ooves ke 3Everybody oLoves kMe E3verybody Looves Mke fverybody poves ne fEverybody pLoves nMe Efverybody Lpoves Mne
rverybody Mee rEverybody Lves M Erverybody Lvoes Me 4verybody Lkves Ms 4Everybody Mse E4verybody Lokves Mes
dverybody L9ves M3 dEverybody L9oves M3e Edverybody Lo9ves Me3 wverybody L0ves Mf wEverybody L0oves Mfe Ewverybody Lo0ves Mef
Evverybody Llves Mr Eerybody Lloves Mre Eevrybody Lolves Mer Eberybody Lives M4 Ebverybody Lioves M4e Evberybody Loives Me4
Ecerybody Lovves Md Ecverybody Loes Mde Evcerybody Loevs Med Egerybody Lobes Mw Egverybody Lobves Mwe Evgerybody Lovbes Mew
Eferybody Loces Locves Evferybody Lovces Eveerybody Loges Evrybody Logves Evreybody Lovges
Evsrybody Lofes Evserybody Lofves Evesrybody Lovfes Ev3rybody Lovees Ev3erybody Lovs Eve3rybody Lovse
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