Music For A Nurse

and a piece of the pictures bitten right out of the middle
i'm alone and thinner i feel
is this a prayer?
anaesthetise me just just til you return

i feel the loss like a squandered opportunity to whisper
you're all we ever needed

oh shapes fall into place
for once in a life you make
a clean breakaway

and did you know
that everything you touch is blessed and all the richer
for your love, a better being
and if i display
just a fraction of the soul you showed in this world
then i know ill see you again

oh love so much to give
and too few to share it with
wastes you away

the dream it comes again and again
you're here
it's you
i pull you close and
hold you tight
into the sky you go
you go
and i can't change it
i can't change it

Mirror lyrics:

i can't change it
and i can't change it
you go
into the sky you go
hold you tight
i pull you close and
it's you
you're here
the dream it comes again and again

wastes you away
and too few to share it with
oh love so much to give

then i know ill see you again
just a fraction of the soul you showed in this world
and if i display
for your love, a better being
that everything you touch is blessed and all the richer
and did you know

a clean breakaway
for once in a life you make
oh shapes fall into place

you're all we ever needed
i feel the loss like a squandered opportunity to whisper

anaesthetise me just just til you return
is this a prayer?
i'm alone and thinner i feel
and a piece of the pictures bitten right out of the middle

Relevant Tags:
MMusic FFor AA NNurse usic or urse uMsic oFr A uNrse jusic cor z murse jMusic cFor zA mNurse Mjusic Fcor Az Nmurse
kusic ror q hurse kMusic rFor qA hNurse Mkusic Fror Aq Nhurse nusic gor s jurse nMusic gFor sA jNurse Mnusic Fgor As Njurse
Muusic tor w burse Msic tFor wA bNurse Msuic Ftor Aw Nburse Mhsic vor x Nuurse Mhusic vFor xA Nrse Muhsic Fvor Ax Nruse
M7sic dor Nhrse M7usic dFor Mu7sic Fdor Nuhrse Mksic Foor N7rse Fr N7urse Muksic Fro Nu7rse
Misic Fkr Nkrse Miusic Fkor Nkurse Muisic Fokr Nukrse M8sic F9r Nirse M8usic F9or Niurse Mu8sic Fo9r Nuirse
Mjsic F0r N8rse F0or N8urse Mujsic Fo0r Nu8rse Mysic Flr Njrse Myusic Flor Muysic Folr Nujrse
Mussic Fir Nyrse Muic Fior Nyurse Muisc Foir Nuyrse Muzic Forr Nurrse Muzsic Fo Nuse Muszic For Nusre
Muwic Fod Nudse Muwsic Fodr Nudrse Muswic Ford Nurdse Mudic Fo4 Nu4se Mudsic Fo4r Nu4rse Musdic For4 Nur4se
Mueic Fog Nugse Muesic Fogr Nugrse

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