Norah Jones
Be My Somebody

I'm too foggy today
To know what you're sayin'
Your lips are moving so fast
And I just keep praying
For them to slow down
So I can make some sense
Of the words that are pouring out
Of your crooked spout

Last night was a record to be broken
It broke all over the kitchen floor
Oh no don't you go
I'm coming back with a rag
To wipe away the haze from the days
We've forgotten all about

So be my somebody tonight
Be the one who'll hold me tight
Honey, please, please
Cause I've been so all alone
And no one will pick up the phone
So honey, please stay

I held your head up, do you remember?
When you wanted to make a blanket outta me
Oh I can't lie, I been keeping score
And it's your turn to wring me out
And lay me down to dry

So be my somebody tonight
Be the one who'll hold me tight
Honey, please, please
Cause I've been so all alone
And no one will pick up the phone
So honey, please stay
Honey, please stay
Honey, please stay

Mirror lyrics:

Honey, please stay
Honey, please stay
So honey, please stay
And no one will pick up the phone
Cause I've been so all alone
Honey, please, please
Be the one who'll hold me tight
So be my somebody tonight

And lay me down to dry
And it's your turn to wring me out
Oh I can't lie, I been keeping score
When you wanted to make a blanket outta me
I held your head up, do you remember?

So honey, please stay
And no one will pick up the phone
Cause I've been so all alone
Honey, please, please
Be the one who'll hold me tight
So be my somebody tonight

We've forgotten all about
To wipe away the haze from the days
I'm coming back with a rag
Oh no don't you go
It broke all over the kitchen floor
Last night was a record to be broken

Of your crooked spout
Of the words that are pouring out
So I can make some sense
For them to slow down
And I just keep praying
Your lips are moving so fast
To know what you're sayin'
I'm too foggy today

Relevant Tags:
BBe MMy SSomebody e y omebody eB yM oSmebody ve jy zomebody vBe jMy zSomebody Bve Mjy Szomebody ge ky womebody gBe kMy wSomebody
Bge Mky Swomebody ne ny domebody nBe nMy dSomebody Bne Mny Sdomebody he Myy eomebody hBe M eSomebody Bhe My Seomebody Bee Mg xomebody
B Mgy xSomebody Be Myg Sxomebody Bs Mh aomebody Bse Mhy aSomebody Bes Myh Saomebody B3 M6 Soomebody B3e M6y Smebody Be3 My6 Smoebody
Bf Mu Skmebody Bfe Muy Skomebody Bef Myu Sokmebody Br M7 S9mebody Bre M7y S9omebody Ber My7 So9mebody B4 Mj S0mebody B4e S0omebody
Be4 Myj So0mebody Bd Mt Slmebody Bde Mty Slomebody Bed Myt Solmebody Bw Simebody Bwe Siomebody Bew Soimebody Sommebody
Soebody Soembody Sojebody Sojmebody Somjebody Sokebody Somkebody Sonebody
Sonmebody Somnebody Someebody Sombody Sombeody Somsbody Somsebody Somesbody
Som3body Som3ebody Some3body Somfbody Somfebody Somefbody Somrbody Somrebody
Somerbody Som4body Som4ebody Some4body Somdbody Somdebody Somedbody Somwbody
Somwebody Somewbody Somebbody

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