Of Montreal
You Are An Airplane

Just before the afternoon creeps in
Just before it gets too hot to be outside
I like to lay on my back in the grass and
watch the airplanes go by and I dream that
you are an airplane shooting across the sky

You are an airplane
You're a strong and dangerous machine
When you fall you'll fall down so fast
When you crash I want to go down with you
We'll make such a horrible mess

Just before the eyeball appears
Just before the little birds go to sleep
I like to stand on my head and pretend
that I am a control tower
and that you are an airplane
and I can talk you safely to the ground

The way you live your life makes me nervous
If you were to die
I'd have no reason to be alive
cause you are my only friend

Mirror lyrics:

cause you are my only friend
I'd have no reason to be alive
If you were to die
The way you live your life makes me nervous

and I can talk you safely to the ground
and that you are an airplane
that I am a control tower
I like to stand on my head and pretend
Just before the little birds go to sleep
Just before the eyeball appears

We'll make such a horrible mess
When you crash I want to go down with you
When you fall you'll fall down so fast
You're a strong and dangerous machine
You are an airplane

you are an airplane shooting across the sky
watch the airplanes go by and I dream that
I like to lay on my back in the grass and
Just before it gets too hot to be outside
Just before the afternoon creeps in

Relevant Tags:
YYou AAre AAn AAirplane ou re n irplane oYu rAe nA iArplane gou zre zn zirplane gYou zAre zAn zAirplane Ygou Azre Azn Azirplane
hou qre qn qirplane hYou qAre qAn qAirplane Yhou Aqre Aqn Aqirplane 6ou sre sn sirplane 6You sAre sAn sAirplane Y6ou Asre Asn Asirplane
uou wre wn wirplane uYou wAre wAn wAirplane Yuou Awre Awn Awirplane 7ou xre xn xirplane 7You xAre xAn xAirplane Y7ou Axre Axn Axirplane
jou Arre Ann Aiirplane jYou Ae A Arplane Yjou Aer An Ariplane tou Ade Am Ajrplane tYou Adre Amn Ajirplane Ytou Arde Anm Aijrplane
Yoou A4e Ah A9rplane Yu A4re Ahn A9irplane Yuo Ar4e Anh Ai9rplane Yku Age Aj Alrplane Ykou Agre Ajn Alirplane Yoku Arge Anj Ailrplane
Y9u Ate Ab Aorplane Y9ou Atre Abn Aoirplane Yo9u Arte Anb Aiorplane Y0u A5e Akrplane Y0ou A5re Akirplane Yo0u Ar5e Aikrplane
Ylu Afe A8rplane Ylou Afre A8irplane Yolu Arfe Ai8rplane Yiu Aee Aurplane Yiou Aere Auirplane Yoiu Aree Aiurplane
Youu Airrplane Yo Ar Aiplane You Are Aiprlane Yoh Ars Aidplane Yohu Arse Aidrplane Youh Ares Airdplane
Yo7 Ar3 Ai4plane Yo7u Ar3e Ai4rplane You7 Are3 Air4plane Yok Arf Aigplane Aigrplane Youk Aref Airgplane
Yoi Arr Aitplane Aitrplane Youi Arer Airtplane Yo8 Ar4 Ai5plane Yo8u Ai5rplane You8 Are4 Air5plane
Yoj Ard Aifplane Yoju Aifrplane Youj Ared Airfplane Yoy Arw Aieplane Yoyu Arwe Aierplane Youy Arew Aireplane
Airpplane Airlane Airlpane Air0lane Air0plane Airp0lane

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