Of Montreal
The Problem With April

The problem with April is the problem with May
is the problem with June and July
it's the problem with all of the months
since you said goodbye

The problem with Monday is the problem with Tuesday
is the problem with Wednesday and Thursday
it's the problem with all the week
since you went away

The bills keep piling up
and my bed gets bigger and bigger
I feel like I'm being watched
and I'm forever under the weather

The problem with Summer is the problem with Fall
is the problem with Winter and Spring
it's the problem with all of the year
since you're no longer here

The problem with evening is the problem with morning
is the problem with the afternoon
the problem of all of the day
since you went away

Mirror lyrics:

since you went away
the problem of all of the day
is the problem with the afternoon
The problem with evening is the problem with morning

since you're no longer here
it's the problem with all of the year
is the problem with Winter and Spring
The problem with Summer is the problem with Fall

and I'm forever under the weather
I feel like I'm being watched
and my bed gets bigger and bigger
The bills keep piling up

since you went away
it's the problem with all the week
is the problem with Wednesday and Thursday
The problem with Monday is the problem with Tuesday

since you said goodbye
it's the problem with all of the months
is the problem with June and July
The problem with April is the problem with May

Relevant Tags:
TThe PProblem WWith AApril he roblem ith pril hTe rPoblem iWth pAril fhe 0roblem aith zpril fThe 0Problem aWith zApril Tfhe P0roblem Waith Azpril
5he lroblem 3ith qpril 5The lProblem 3With qApril T5he Plroblem W3ith Aqpril hhe oroblem dith spril hThe oProblem dWith sApril Thhe Poroblem Wdith Aspril
yhe Prroblem eith wpril yThe Poblem eWith wApril Tyhe Porblem Weith Awpril 6he Pdoblem sith xpril 6The Pdroblem sWith xApril T6he Prdoblem Wsith Axpril
ghe P4oblem 2ith Appril gThe P4roblem 2With Aril Tghe Pr4oblem W2ith Arpil rhe Pgoblem qith A0ril rThe Pgroblem qWith A0pril Trhe Prgoblem Wqith Ap0ril
Ptoblem Wiith Alril Te Ptroblem Wth Alpril Teh Prtoblem Wtih Aplril Tje P5oblem Wjth Aoril Tjhe P5roblem Wjith Aopril Thje Pr5oblem Wijth Aporil
Tue Pfoblem W9th Aprril Tuhe Pfroblem W9ith Apil Thue Prfoblem Wi9th Apirl Tne Peoblem Wlth Apdil Tnhe Peroblem Wlith Apdril Thne Preoblem Wilth Aprdil
Tbe Prooblem Woth Ap4il Tbhe Prblem Woith Ap4ril Thbe Prbolem Wioth Apr4il Tge Prkblem Wkth Apgil Prkoblem Wkith Apgril Thge Prokblem Wikth Aprgil
Tye Pr9blem W8th Aptil Pr9oblem W8ith Aptril Thye Pro9blem Wi8th Aprtil Thee Pr0blem Wuth Ap5il Th Pr0oblem Wuith Ap5ril The Pro0blem Wiuth Apr5il
Ths Prlblem Witth Apfil Thse Prloblem Wih Apfril Thes Prolblem Wiht Aprfil Th3 Priblem Wifh Apeil Th3e Prioblem Wifth Aperil The3 Proiblem Witfh Apreil
Thf Probblem Wi5h Apriil Thfe Prolem Wi5th Aprl Thef Prolbem Wit5h Aprli Thr Provlem Wihh Aprjl Thre Provblem Wihth Aprjil

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