Of Montreal
My Favorite Christmas (in A Hundred Words Or Less)

Do you remember that one Christmas when we
Didn't think we'd be together.
We were almost seperated by the weather
But I ran through the snow
Right up to your window and smiled cause I
Was so absolutely happy to be with you

All our relatives were too afraid to drive
Through the snow
We got to spend the day alone, I swear it
Was the most beautiful day I know

We sat by the fire and opened the presents
That we'd gotten for each other then after
You telephoned your mother. We cuddled on
The couch, drank cocoa by the tree and you
Smiled cause you were so absolutely happy
To be with me

The day went by so fast and as night
Approached we laughed at our luck. The
Snow had let up
After the roads were cleared all our relatives
Suddenly appeared
So we blew out the candles and replaced
Frank Sinatra with Phil Spector's Christmas record
Our grandparents filed in all plaid and
Checkered with their arms filled with gifts
And delicious desserts and we smiled
Cause we were so absolutely happy
So very very happy to be together

Mirror lyrics:

So very very happy to be together
Cause we were so absolutely happy
And delicious desserts and we smiled
Checkered with their arms filled with gifts
Our grandparents filed in all plaid and
Frank Sinatra with Phil Spector's Christmas record
So we blew out the candles and replaced
Suddenly appeared
After the roads were cleared all our relatives
Snow had let up
Approached we laughed at our luck. The
The day went by so fast and as night

To be with me
Smiled cause you were so absolutely happy
The couch, drank cocoa by the tree and you
You telephoned your mother. We cuddled on
That we'd gotten for each other then after
We sat by the fire and opened the presents

Was the most beautiful day I know
We got to spend the day alone, I swear it
Through the snow
All our relatives were too afraid to drive

Was so absolutely happy to be with you
Right up to your window and smiled cause I
But I ran through the snow
We were almost seperated by the weather
Didn't think we'd be together.
Do you remember that one Christmas when we

Relevant Tags:
MMy FFavorite CChristmas ((in AA HHundred WWords OOr LLess) y avorite hristmas in undred ords r ess)
yM aFvorite hCristmas i(n A uHndred oWrds rO eLss) jy cavorite fhristmas (iin z jundred aords kr kess)
jMy cFavorite fChristmas (n zA jHundred aWords kOr kLess) Mjy Fcavorite Cfhristmas (ni Az Hjundred Waords Okr Lkess)
ky ravorite xhristmas (jn q uundred 3ords 9r oess) kMy rFavorite xChristmas (jin qA uHundred 3Words 9Or oLess)
Mky Fravorite Cxhristmas (ijn Aq Huundred W3ords O9r Loess) ny gavorite vhristmas (9n s nundred dords 0r pess)
nMy gFavorite vChristmas (9in sA nHundred dWords 0Or pLess) Mny Fgavorite Cvhristmas (i9n As Hnundred Wdords O0r Lpess)
Myy tavorite dhristmas (ln w bundred eords lr Leess) M tFavorite dChristmas (lin wA bHundred eWords lOr Lss)
My Ftavorite Cdhristmas (iln Aw Hbundred Weords Olr Lses) Mg vavorite Chhristmas (on x gundred sords ir Lsss)
Mgy vFavorite Cristmas (oin xA gHundred sWords iOr Lsess) Myg Fvavorite Crhistmas (ion Ax Hgundred Wsords Oir Lesss)
Mh davorite Cjristmas (kn yundred 2ords Orr L3ss) Mhy dFavorite Cjhristmas (kin yHundred 2Words O L3ess)
Myh Fdavorite Chjristmas (ikn Hyundred W2ords Or Le3ss) M6 Faavorite Curistmas (8n qords Od Lfss)
M6y Fvorite Cuhristmas (8in Hndred qWords Odr Lfess) My6 Fvaorite Churistmas (i8n Hnudred Wqords Ord Lefss)
Mu Fzvorite Cnristmas (un Hhndred Woords O4 Lrss) Muy Fzavorite Cnhristmas (uin Hhundred Wrds O4r Lress)
Myu Fazvorite Chnristmas (iun Huhndred Wrods Or4 Lerss) M7 Fqvorite Cbristmas (inn H7ndred Wkrds Og L4ss)
M7y Fqavorite Cbhristmas (i H7undred Wkords Ogr L4ess) My7 Faqvorite Chbristmas (in Hu7ndred Wokrds Org Le4ss)
Mj Fsvorite Cgristmas (im Hkndred W9rds Ot Ldss) Fsavorite Cghristmas (imn Hkundred W9ords Otr Ldess)
Myj Fasvorite Chgristmas (inm Hukndred Wo9rds Ort Ledss) Mt Fwvorite Cyristmas (ih Hindred W0rds O5 Lwss)
Mty Fwavorite Cyhristmas (ihn Hiundred W0ords O5r Lwess) Myt Fawvorite Chyristmas (inh Huindred Wo0rds Or5 Lewss)
Fxvorite Chrristmas (ij H8ndred Wlrds Of Fxavorite Chistmas H8undred Wlords Ofr Les)
Faxvorite Chirstmas (inj Hu8ndred Wolrds Orf Less) Favvorite Chdistmas (ib Hjndred Wirds Oe Lezs)
Faorite Chdristmas (ibn Wiords Oer Lezss) Faovrite Chrdistmas (inb Hujndred Woirds Ore Leszs)
Faborite Ch4istmas Hyndred Worrds Lews) Fabvorite Ch4ristmas Wods
Favborite Chr4istmas Huyndred Wodrs Lesws) Facorite Chgistmas Hunndred Wodds Leds)
Facvorite Hudred Wodrds Favcorite Chrgistmas Hudnred Wordds Lesds)
Fagorite Chtistmas Humdred Wo4ds Lees) Fagvorite Chtristmas Humndred Wo4rds
Favgorite Chrtistmas Hunmdred Wor4ds Leses) Faforite Ch5istmas Huhdred Wogds Lexs)
Fafvorite Ch5ristmas Wogrds Lexss) Favforite Chr5istmas Hunhdred Worgds Lesxs)
Favoorite Chfistmas Hujdred Wotds Leas) Favrite Chfristmas Wotrds Leass)
Favroite Chrfistmas Hunjdred Wortds Lesas) Favkrite Cheistmas Hubdred Wo5ds
Favkorite Cheristmas Hubndred Wo5rds Favokrite Chreistmas Hunbdred Wor5ds Les)s

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