My Happy Place

I don't know the same things you don't know
I don't know, I just don't know
And I forget the same things you forget
But you predict what surely hasn't happened yet

It's a great big place
Full of nothing but space
And it's my happy place
I don't know
Yes you do

The party's late
And the party fuel evaporates
Party people
Are no longer in the house

Open your ears
Hit the light
Why don't you pick that up
I saw you chicken dance
Mister smarty-pants

No work and all play
Makes me a jack of all trades
Here in my happy place
I said so
Yes you did
You just won't admit it

I protest
Ain't that what a lawyer says
I protest
My client wasn't ready yet (That's me)

No tendering trees
And no marmalade skies
It's right between my eyes
And right behind my face
And it's my happy place
I don't know
Yes you do
No I don't
Yes you do
No I don't
Yes you do
You just won't admit it

Mirror lyrics:

You just won't admit it
Yes you do
No I don't
Yes you do
No I don't
Yes you do
I don't know
And it's my happy place
And right behind my face
It's right between my eyes
And no marmalade skies
No tendering trees

My client wasn't ready yet (That's me)
I protest
Ain't that what a lawyer says
I protest

You just won't admit it
Yes you did
I said so
Here in my happy place
Makes me a jack of all trades
No work and all play

Mister smarty-pants
I saw you chicken dance
Why don't you pick that up
Hit the light
Open your ears

Are no longer in the house
Party people
And the party fuel evaporates
The party's late

Yes you do
I don't know
And it's my happy place
Full of nothing but space
It's a great big place

But you predict what surely hasn't happened yet
And I forget the same things you forget
I don't know, I just don't know
I don't know the same things you don't know

Relevant Tags:
MMy HHappy PPlace y appy lace yM aHppy lPace jy jappy 0lace jMy jHappy 0Place Mjy Hjappy P0lace ky uappy llace kMy uHappy lPlace
Mky Huappy Pllace ny nappy olace nMy nHappy oPlace Mny Hnappy Polace Myy bappy M bHappy Pace My Hbappy Palce Mg gappy Pkace
Mgy gHappy Pklace Myg Hgappy Plkace Mh yappy Poace Mhy yHappy Myh Hyappy Ploace M6 Haappy Ppace M6y Hppy Pplace My6 Hpapy Plpace
Mu Hzppy Plaace Muy Hzappy Plce Myu Hazppy Plcae M7 Hqppy Plzce M7y Hqappy Plzace My7 Haqppy Plazce Mj Hsppy Plqce Hsappy Plqace
Myj Hasppy Plaqce Mt Hwppy Plsce Mty Hwappy Plsace Myt Hawppy Plasce Hxppy Plwce Hxappy Plwace Haxppy Plawce Happpy Plxce
Hapy Plxace

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