Odd Project
Watch It Fall Apart

Can't wake from this dream, bitter uncertainty.
Begin to shake and lose control, into my own reality.
Life has begun to take its toll, regain sanity.
Born alone, I'll die alone, save me from this misery.

I'll go, I'll see everything.
I'll know, I'll know everything.

Can't wake from this dream, bitter uncertainty.
Begin to shake and lose control, into my own reality.
Life has begun to take its toll, regain sanity.
Born alone, I'll die alone, save me from this misery.

I'll go, I'll see everything.
(I'm gonna see everything, I'm gonna know everything)
I'll know, I'll know everything.
(I'm gonna see everything, I'm gonna know everything)

Watch it all fall apart.
I suffered through a thousand broken hearts for you.


A thousand hearts for you!

Mirror lyrics:

A thousand hearts for you!


I suffered through a thousand broken hearts for you.
Watch it all fall apart.

(I'm gonna see everything, I'm gonna know everything)
I'll know, I'll know everything.
(I'm gonna see everything, I'm gonna know everything)
I'll go, I'll see everything.

Born alone, I'll die alone, save me from this misery.
Life has begun to take its toll, regain sanity.
Begin to shake and lose control, into my own reality.
Can't wake from this dream, bitter uncertainty.

I'll know, I'll know everything.
I'll go, I'll see everything.

Born alone, I'll die alone, save me from this misery.
Life has begun to take its toll, regain sanity.
Begin to shake and lose control, into my own reality.
Can't wake from this dream, bitter uncertainty.

Relevant Tags:
WWatch IIt FFall AApart atch t all part aWtch tI aFll pAart aatch jt call zpart aWatch jIt cFall zApart Waatch Ijt Fcall Azpart
3atch 9t rall qpart 3Watch 9It rFall qApart W3atch I9t Frall Aqpart datch lt gall spart dWatch lIt gFall sApart Wdatch Ilt Fgall Aspart
eatch ot tall wpart eWatch oIt tFall wApart Weatch Iot Ftall Awpart satch kt vall xpart sWatch kIt vFall xApart Wsatch Ikt Fvall Axpart
2atch 8t dall Appart 2Watch 8It dFall Aart W2atch I8t Fdall Aaprt qatch ut Faall A0art qWatch uIt Fll A0part Wqatch Iut Flal Ap0art
Itt Fzll Alart Wtch I Fzall Alpart Wtach It Fazll Aplart Wztch If Fqll Aoart Wzatch Ift Fqall Aopart Waztch Itf Faqll Apoart
Wqtch I5 Fsll Apaart I5t Fsall Aprt Waqtch It5 Fasll Aprat Wstch Ih Fwll Apzrt Iht Fwall Apzart Wastch Ith Fawll Apazrt
Wwtch Iy Fxll Apqrt Wwatch Iyt Fxall Apqart Wawtch Ity Faxll Apaqrt Wxtch I6 Falll Apsrt Wxatch I6t Fal Apsart Waxtch It6 Fall Apasrt
Wattch Ig Fakl Apwrt Wach Igt Fakll Apwart Wacth Itg Falkl Apawrt Wafch Ir Faol Apxrt Waftch Irt Faoll Apxart Watfch Itr Falol Apaxrt
Wa5ch Fapl Aparrt

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