Of The Wand And The Moon
She With Whom Compar'd The Alpes Are Vallies

I wish to fire the trees af all these forrest

I give the Sunne a last farewell each evening

I curse the fidling finders out of Musicke

With envie i doo hate the loftie mountains

And with despite despise the humble vallies

I doo detest night, evening, day, and morning

For she, whose parts maintainde a perfect musique

Whose beawties shin'de more then the blushing morning

Who much did passe in state the stately mountains

In straightnes past the Cedars of the forest

Hath cast me wretch into eternally evening

By taking her two Sunnes from these darke vallies

Curse to my selfe my prayers is, the morning

My fire is more, then can be made with forrests

My state more base, then are the basest vallies

I wish no evenings more to see, each evening

Shamed I hate my selfe in sight of mountaines

And stoppe mine ears, lest I growe mad with Musicke

For she, with whorm compar'd, the Alpes are vallies

She, whose lest word brings from the spheares their musique

At whose approach the Sunne rase in the evening

Who, where she went, bare in her forhead morning

Is gone, is gone from these our spolyed forrests

Turning to desarts our best pastur'de mountaines

[Adapted from Sir Philip Sidneys: "The Countesse
of pembrokes arcadia (1598)"]

Mirror lyrics:

of pembrokes arcadia (1598)"]
[Adapted from Sir Philip Sidneys: "The Countesse

Turning to desarts our best pastur'de mountaines

Is gone, is gone from these our spolyed forrests

Who, where she went, bare in her forhead morning

At whose approach the Sunne rase in the evening

She, whose lest word brings from the spheares their musique

For she, with whorm compar'd, the Alpes are vallies

And stoppe mine ears, lest I growe mad with Musicke

Shamed I hate my selfe in sight of mountaines

I wish no evenings more to see, each evening

My state more base, then are the basest vallies

My fire is more, then can be made with forrests

Curse to my selfe my prayers is, the morning

By taking her two Sunnes from these darke vallies

Hath cast me wretch into eternally evening

In straightnes past the Cedars of the forest

Who much did passe in state the stately mountains

Whose beawties shin'de more then the blushing morning

For she, whose parts maintainde a perfect musique

I doo detest night, evening, day, and morning

And with despite despise the humble vallies

With envie i doo hate the loftie mountains

I curse the fidling finders out of Musicke

I give the Sunne a last farewell each evening

I wish to fire the trees af all these forrest

Relevant Tags:
SShe WWith WWhom CCompar'd TThe AAlpes AAre VVallies he ith hom ompar'd he lpes re allies hSe iWth hWom oCmpar'd hTe lApes rAe aVllies
zhe aith ahom fompar'd fhe zlpes zre ballies zShe aWith aWhom fCompar'd fThe zAlpes zAre bVallies Szhe Waith Wahom Cfompar'd Tfhe Azlpes Azre Vballies
whe 3ith 3hom xompar'd 5he qlpes qre callies wShe 3With 3Whom xCompar'd 5The qAlpes qAre cVallies Swhe W3ith W3hom Cxompar'd T5he Aqlpes Aqre Vcallies
dhe dith dhom vompar'd hhe slpes sre gallies dShe dWith dWhom vCompar'd hThe sAlpes sAre gVallies Sdhe Wdith Wdhom Cvompar'd Thhe Aslpes Asre Vgallies
ehe eith ehom dompar'd yhe wlpes wre fallies eShe eWith eWhom dCompar'd yThe wAlpes wAre fVallies Sehe Weith Wehom Cdompar'd Tyhe Awlpes Awre Vfallies
xhe sith shom Coompar'd 6he xlpes xre Vaallies xShe sWith sWhom Cmpar'd 6The xAlpes xAre Vllies Sxhe Wsith Wshom Cmopar'd T6he Axlpes Axre Vlalies
ahe 2ith 2hom Ckmpar'd ghe Allpes Arre Vzllies aShe 2With 2Whom Ckompar'd gThe Apes Ae Vzallies Sahe W2ith W2hom Cokmpar'd Tghe Aples Aer Vazllies
Shhe qith qhom C9mpar'd rhe Akpes Ade Vqllies Se qWith qWhom C9ompar'd rThe Aklpes Adre Vqallies Seh Wqith Wqhom Co9mpar'd Trhe Alkpes Arde Vaqllies
Sje Wiith Whhom C0mpar'd Aopes A4e Vsllies Sjhe Wth Wom C0ompar'd Te Aolpes A4re Vsallies Shje Wtih Wohm Co0mpar'd Teh Alopes Ar4e Vasllies
Sue Wjth Wjom Clmpar'd Tje Appes Age Vwllies Suhe Wjith Wjhom Clompar'd Tjhe Aplpes Agre Vwallies Shue Wijth Whjom Colmpar'd Thje Alppes Arge Vawllies
Sne W9th Wuom Cimpar'd Tue Ate Vxllies Snhe W9ith Wuhom Ciompar'd Tuhe Ales Atre Vxallies Shne Wi9th Whuom Coimpar'd Thue Aleps Arte Vaxllies
Sbe Wlth Wnom Commpar'd Tne Al0es A5e Valllies Sbhe Wlith Wnhom Copar'd Tnhe Al0pes A5re Valies Shbe Wilth Whnom Copmar'd Thne Alp0es Ar5e Vallies
Sge Woth Wbom Cojpar'd Tbe Alles Afe Vaklies Sghe Woith Wbhom Cojmpar'd Tbhe Afre Vakllies Shge Wioth Whbom Comjpar'd Thbe Alples Arfe Valklies
Sye Wkth Wgom Cokpar'd Tge Aloes Aee Vaolies Syhe Wkith Wghom Aere Vaollies Shye Wikth Whgom Comkpar'd Thge Alpoes Aree Valolies
Shee W8th Wyom Conpar'd Tye Alpees Vaplies Sh W8ith Wyhom Conmpar'd Alps Ar Vapllies She Wi8th Whyom Comnpar'd Thye Alpse Are Valplies
Shs Wuth Whoom Comppar'd Thee Alpss Ars Shse Wuith Whm Comar'd Th Alpses Arse Shes Wiuth Whmo Comapr'd The Alpess Ares Valiles
Sh3 Witth Whkm Com0ar'd Ths Alp3s Ar3 Valkies Sh3e Wih Whkom Com0par'd Thse Alp3es Ar3e She3 Wiht Whokm Comp0ar'd Thes Alpe3s Are3 Vallkies
Shf Wifh Wh9m Comlar'd Th3 Alpfs Arf Valoies Shfe Wifth Wh9om Comlpar'd Th3e Alpfes Shef Witfh Who9m Complar'd The3 Alpefs Aref Valloies
Shr Wi5h Wh0m Comoar'd Thf Alprs Arr Valpies Shre Wi5th Wh0om Comopar'd Thfe Alpres Sher Wit5h Who0m Compoar'd Thef Alpers Arer Vallpies
Sh4 Wihh Whlm Compaar'd Thr Alp4s Ar4 Valliies Sh4e Wihth Whlom Compr'd Thre Alp4es Valles She4 Withh Wholm Compra'd Ther Alpe4s Are4 Valleis
Shd Wiyh Whim Compzr'd Th4 Alpds Ard Valljes

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