O.c. Supertones

I've never had this feelin'
Like someone really loves me
But Jesus truly loves me
It's got my mind reeling
I found the information
In lyrics David penned
His savior and his friend
His love's without condition

I know it sounds improbable
But with God nothing is impossible
God's love goes on forever, forever

Love has always left me
As quickly as it came
But this is not the same
God never will forsake me
Me, I'm so unfaithful
God I don't deserve it
I know you don't deserve it
Recieve it and be grateful


It's difficult to think of
Something with no ending
Not only everlasting
But God has no beginning
Beyond my comprehension
Too wonderful to feel it
To wise men He's concealed it
And to a child revealed it


Mirror lyrics:


And to a child revealed it
To wise men He's concealed it
Too wonderful to feel it
Beyond my comprehension
But God has no beginning
Not only everlasting
Something with no ending
It's difficult to think of


Recieve it and be grateful
I know you don't deserve it
God I don't deserve it
Me, I'm so unfaithful
God never will forsake me
But this is not the same
As quickly as it came
Love has always left me

God's love goes on forever, forever
But with God nothing is impossible
I know it sounds improbable

His love's without condition
His savior and his friend
In lyrics David penned
I found the information
It's got my mind reeling
But Jesus truly loves me
Like someone really loves me
I've never had this feelin'

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