O.c. Supertones
Forward To The Future

It all went by so fast
I'm always looking back
On some golden day
But nothing gold can stay
Older yes and wiser some
I am what I have become
But am I becoming what I want to be
And as we go on with the rest of our lives,
Don't forget from where you came

Look forward to the future
What you wanna be
Look forward to the future
Grace, integrity
Look forward to the future
The things you want to do
Look forward to the future
Faith and honesty

Wistful as a wish
I sit and reminisce
On people that I knew
And old friends that I miss
Older, yes and wiser some
Looking at how far I've come
But is where I'm going where I want to be
and as we go one with the rest of our lives,
don't forget from where you came.

It all went by so fast
I'm always looking back
On some golden day
But nothing gold can stay
Older yes and wiser some
I am what I have become
But am I becoming what I want to be
And as we go on with the rest of our lives,
Don't forget from where you came


Mirror lyrics:


Don't forget from where you came
And as we go on with the rest of our lives,
But am I becoming what I want to be
I am what I have become
Older yes and wiser some
But nothing gold can stay
On some golden day
I'm always looking back
It all went by so fast

don't forget from where you came.
and as we go one with the rest of our lives,
But is where I'm going where I want to be
Looking at how far I've come
Older, yes and wiser some
And old friends that I miss
On people that I knew
I sit and reminisce
Wistful as a wish

Faith and honesty
Look forward to the future
The things you want to do
Look forward to the future
Grace, integrity
Look forward to the future
What you wanna be
Look forward to the future

Don't forget from where you came
And as we go on with the rest of our lives,
But am I becoming what I want to be
I am what I have become
Older yes and wiser some
But nothing gold can stay
On some golden day
I'm always looking back
It all went by so fast

Relevant Tags:
FForward TTo TThe FFuture orward o he uture oFrward oT hTe uFture corward fo fhe cuture cForward fTo fThe cFuture Fcorward Tfo Tfhe Fcuture
rorward 5o 5he ruture rForward 5To 5The rFuture Frorward T5o T5he Fruture gorward ho hhe guture gForward hTo hThe gFuture Fgorward Tho Thhe Fguture
torward yo yhe tuture tForward yTo yThe tFuture Ftorward Tyo Tyhe Ftuture vorward 6o 6he vuture vForward 6To 6The vFuture Fvorward T6o T6he Fvuture
dorward go ghe duture dForward gTo gThe dFuture Fdorward Tgo Tghe Fduture Foorward ro rhe Fuuture Frward rTo rThe Fture Froward Tro Trhe Ftuure
Fkrward Too Fhture Fkorward T Te Fhuture Fokrward To Teh Fuhture F9rward Tk Tje F7ture F9orward Tko Tjhe F7uture Fo9rward Tok Thje Fu7ture
F0rward T9 Tue Fkture F0orward T9o Tuhe Fkuture Fo0rward To9 Thue Fukture Flrward T0 Tne Fiture Florward T0o Tnhe Fiuture Folrward To0 Thne Fuiture
Firward Tl Tbe F8ture Fiorward Tlo Tbhe F8uture Foirward Tol Thbe Fu8ture Forrward Ti Tge Fjture Foward Tio Fjuture Fowrard Toi Thge Fujture
Fodward Tye Fyture Fodrward Fyuture Fordward Thye Fuyture Fo4ward Thee Futture Fo4rward Th Fuure For4ward The Fuutre
Fogward Ths Fufure Fogrward Thse Fufture Forgward Thes Futfure Fotward Th3 Fu5ure Fotrward Th3e Fu5ture Fortward The3 Fut5ure
Fo5ward Thf Fuhure Fo5rward Thfe For5ward Thef Futhure Fofward Thr Fuyure Fofrward Thre Forfward Ther Futyure
Foeward Th4 Fu6ure Foerward Th4e Fu6ture Foreward The4 Fut6ure Forwward Thd Fugure Forard Thde Fugture Forawrd Thed Futgure
Foraard Thw Furure Foraward Thwe Furture Forwaard Thew Futrure For3ard Futuure

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