One Shot

God, give me one shot and I'll break right through
I am starting to be brand new

Rome is burning you can taste the embers
I am walking hard on Spanish Stairs
My Saint was silence rapping on the door
Grown up defiant wanting so much more

Me brand new, say
(Starting over)
Me brand new, say
(Starting over)
Me brand new, say I say

Give me one shot at my life today
One shot at my life today
I don't want to be a stranger

Walk with millions, a delicate few
So sad how loneliness just follows you
New York City streets and avenues
Cut the concrete they march through

Me brand new, say
(Starting over)
Me brand new, say
(Starting over)
Me brand new, say I say

Give me one shot at my life today
One shot at my life today
I don't want to be a stranger

I don't want to be just a passerby
Stand in line wrapped around the world
I don't want to be just a parasite
Holding on tight
Holding on tight

I got this feeling and it's down in my bones
I got this feeling and it's burning up my soul
I got to get just one shot, baby one more day
Got to give me one shot today
I got this feeling just give me one day

Mirror lyrics:

I got this feeling just give me one day
Got to give me one shot today
I got to get just one shot, baby one more day
I got this feeling and it's burning up my soul
I got this feeling and it's down in my bones

Holding on tight
Holding on tight
I don't want to be just a parasite
Stand in line wrapped around the world
I don't want to be just a passerby

I don't want to be a stranger
One shot at my life today
Give me one shot at my life today

Me brand new, say I say
(Starting over)
Me brand new, say
(Starting over)
Me brand new, say

Cut the concrete they march through
New York City streets and avenues
So sad how loneliness just follows you
Walk with millions, a delicate few

I don't want to be a stranger
One shot at my life today
Give me one shot at my life today

Me brand new, say I say
(Starting over)
Me brand new, say
(Starting over)
Me brand new, say

Grown up defiant wanting so much more
My Saint was silence rapping on the door
I am walking hard on Spanish Stairs
Rome is burning you can taste the embers

I am starting to be brand new
God, give me one shot and I'll break right through

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Omne Sot Onme Soht Ohe Sjot Ohne Sjhot Onhe Shjot Oje Suot Ojne Suhot Onje Shuot Obe Snot Obne Snhot Onbe Shnot
Onee Sbot On Sbhot One Shbot Ons Sgot Onse Sghot Ones Shgot On3 Syot On3e Syhot One3 Shyot

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