Old Man's Child

The night calls
as the evening light fades
cast your shadow
and cover this earth
bury the surface
and possess the nights dark
come forth, put spells on my thoughts.

I am the master of decease
I am the pain that grows within your soul
I am this worlds doom maker.

From another world
He arise from the ruins
which will be their graves
spawn of satan
gather as one
and set this world in flames.

We are the seeds of fire
spreading in the wind
Masters of your sorrow
And now, we will bring you down.
has corrupted my soul.

We are the master of decease
We are the pain that grows within your soul
We are this worlds doom maker.

Mirror lyrics:

We are this worlds doom maker.
We are the pain that grows within your soul
We are the master of decease

has corrupted my soul.
And now, we will bring you down.
Masters of your sorrow
spreading in the wind
We are the seeds of fire

and set this world in flames.
gather as one
spawn of satan
which will be their graves
He arise from the ruins
From another world

I am this worlds doom maker.
I am the pain that grows within your soul
I am the master of decease

come forth, put spells on my thoughts.
and possess the nights dark
bury the surface
and cover this earth
cast your shadow
as the evening light fades
The night calls

Relevant Tags:
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Dommaker Doommaker Dkommaker Dkoommaker Dokommaker D9ommaker D9oommaker Do9ommaker D0ommaker D0oommaker Do0ommaker
Dlommaker Dloommaker Dolommaker Diommaker Dioommaker Doiommaker Domomaker Dokmmaker Dookmmaker Do9mmaker Doo9mmaker
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Dookmaker Doomkmaker Doonmaker Doonmmaker Doomnmaker Doomamker Doomjaker

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